The appearance of the face shows a tendency to heart attacks. People who look young for their age can count on a lower risk of heart attacks, say experts at the University of Copenhagen.
People whose biological age is older than their date of birth, i.e. the so-called record age.
Reuter reports that Danish scientists have come to this conclusion based on observations of 1976 people since 11. people who were then at least 40 years of age. In the period of 35 years, 3,4 thous. people developed coronary heart disease, 1,7 thous. there was a heart attack.
Dr. Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen said the risk of a heart attack increased with every symptom of aging, at all ages and regardless of gender. It did not matter whether heart attacks occurred more frequently in the families of individual people.
People with the four signs of aging are most at risk, such as thinning hair at the temples, baldness on top of the head, and yellow tufts on the eyelids and pinching in the auricle. Danish researchers have calculated that people with these signs of aging are 57 percent. more prone to a heart attack and 39 percent. are more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease.
Yellow tufts on the eyelids can be a sign of elevated blood cholesterol levels, although this is not always the case. Male baldness is associated with elevated testosterone levels, which increases the risk of a heart attack.
Dr.Kathy Magliato of St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California says this is a guideline for doctors to watch their patients better, as the first signs of a risk of a heart attack can be seen in the appearance of their faces.
It is also enough to look in the mirror to find out about it, but it does not exempt us from controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, say Danish specialists. (PAP)
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