A heart attack in women can be tricky. Never underestimate these symptoms
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A feeling of heat, heartburn, weakness or indigestion, although they sound completely harmless, could mean a heart attack. A female heart attack can be extremely insidious and does not have to manifest itself with the characteristic pain in the chest. The symptoms of a heart attack in women can be very deceptive, and women often underestimate them. This is why correct diagnosis can be very delayed or never appears. Heart attack in women is one of the most dangerous life-threatening conditions.

Women experience a heart attack very differently than men, which means that the reaction and assistance time due to a heart attack is significantly longer. It is also not optimistic that women often ignore or neglect pain symptoms. There are many patients who learn about a past infarction by accident. That is why a heart attack in women is a huge threat, and their prognosis is much worse than in the case of men.

6 symptoms of a heart attack in women

Postmenopausal women face the greatest risk of a heart attack. The direct risk factor is the decrease in estrogen levels, which prevents inflammation in the arterial endothelium, accelerating the development of atherosclerosis. According to specialists, in women over 50 years of age myocardial infarction occurs as often as men – unfortunately, due to the lack of detection of some cases, it is greatly underestimated.

Heart attack in women often manifests itself uncharacteristically, putting on the so-called heart attack masks. The most popular of them are palpitations, shortness of breath or hot flushesoften confused with menopausal symptoms. Timely diagnosed and treated myocardial infarction gives the same chances of recovery as in men. Therefore, ladies, never underestimate these signals.

Chest pain or discomfort

Chest pain or tightness is the most common symptom of a heart attack, but some women may experience it very differently from men. The pain symptom of a heart attack in women is often not a typical stinging but a feeling of squeezing, as if a vice were tightening on the chest. It may be of varying severity or may not appear at all. Women often do not identify this symptom as pain, but as a feeling of enormous discomfort.

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Pain in the arms, back, neck, or jaw

This type of pain is more common in women than in men. Very often it is not perceived as a signal of heart problems, as most people expect severe pain in the chest and left arm. In fact, the pain doesn’t have to be sudden and paroxysmal, may build up gradually for a long time. The pain may be in both arms, and not in the left hand as is commonly believed. It can also appear during sleep.

Pain symptoms during a heart attack in women can also include neck, jaw or back. The cause of any unexplained pain in the upper body should be diagnosed as soon as possible.

Heart attack abdominal mask

Extremely insidious and harvesting a deadly abdominal mask of a heart attack, it is deceptively similar to a very acute pain in the abdomen. When an inferior heart infarction occurs, symptoms may manifest themselves in a manner similar to food poisoning, and sometimes the symptoms are accompanied by vomiting. This symptom can also occur in men.

A heart attack in women can resemble heartburn, indigestion or stomach flu. It is also sometimes confused with stomach ulcers. Patients often describe stomach discomfort as a feeling of very strong pressure on the abdomen.

Dyspnoea, nausea, or dizziness

Another symptom that may indicate a heart attack in women is breathing problems. If they appear for no apparent reason, be sure to consult a doctor. You may also experience nausea and dizziness.

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Hot flashes and sweating

Hot flashes are one of the most underestimated symptoms. They do not cause pain and are often not associated with any serious disease, so despite the discomfort they cause, they are completely ignored. In addition to the feeling of heat, it may arise cold sweats reminiscent of sweating under stress. An overwhelming feeling of coolness and sudden sweating can be a sign of serious trouble.

Do you know the condition of your heart? Check it now! You can buy the “Heart control” test package at Medonet Market.

Feeling weak and tired

Some women who have had a heart attack have experienced a feeling of very tiredness that was not caused by any activity. If you feel weak, you cannot do simple things, such as going to the bathroom yourself.

According to cardiologists, there are several signs of a heart attack, some of which may appear much earlier. Remember about checkups, and when you feel that something is wrong with your body – do not postpone the visit to the doctor until later.

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1 Comment

  1. Hello wil net uitvind my moeder kla sy voel snaaks maar kan nie verduidelik hoe sy voel nie, sy kla van naarheid slym op die bors en voel snaaks ons haar hospitaal toe gevat want sy raak snaaks in die kop en sukkel om te sluk.Hulle het haar gediagnoseer met covid maar my moeder het nie meer covid nie maar voel nogsteeds snaaks.Hulle gese my moeder kry nie suurstof na die hart toe het hulle my moeder suurstof gegee dit was maart hierdie jaar gewees. Maar my moeder kla elke dag van sy voel nie lekker nie, en na n rukkie se my moeder sy voel beter en dan voel my moeder weer snaaks die volgende oggend..Hulle het my moeder op bloeddruk pille ook.Kan u my asb raad gee



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