In all advanced Western universities there is a separate, very fashionable discipline of food studies — the study of food. Although in itself the science of discussions about food is as old as the world. One of the first European teachers in this area was, of course, a Frenchman: writer and gastronome Alexandre Grimaud de La Renière, who wrote the Almanac of Gourmets at the beginning of the XNUMXth century.
In all advanced Western universities there is a separate, very fashionable discipline of food studies — the study of food. Although in itself the science of discussions about food is as old as the world. One of the first European teachers in this area was, of course, a Frenchman: writer and gastronome Alexandre Grimaud de La Renière, who wrote the Almanac of Gourmets at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. This is a detailed and fun guide to action for Parisians. About what time of the year and in what shop it is better to buy the “crown prince of our forests”, a wild boar, and in which one — pate with quails, in what order guests should be seated and what kind of conversation to please (food is only part of gourmet knowledge). Grimaud explains to the guests in what form it is polite to accept the invitation, and how to refuse it, and why “friendly dinners” are best avoided. Unlike «friendly dinners». In general, we also have a textbook of casual chatter about food (excellently translated by Vera Milchina). Both Pushkin and Gogol turned out to be Grimaud’s pupils, in the descriptions of meals they sensitively adopted from the Frenchman all this delightful mixture of Rabelaisism, irony and looseness.