This disease has been known since the time of Hippocrates – even then they tried to treat it with the help of surgical intervention. Today there are many ways to deal with varicose veins, most of them are completely painless, but women are still reluctant to make an appointment with a phlebologist. And it’s in vain: according to statistics, every second person can be diagnosed with varicose veins. Even if the vascular mesh or small varicose asterisks are not visible on your legs, this does not mean that the disease has bypassed you.
“Varicose veins are encountered by men and women of completely different ages. Most often – 25-40-year-olds, but this boundary is conditional: sometimes even seventeen-year-olds come to see me, ”says
Where does varicose veins come from?
There are several theories of the origin of the disease:
- mechanical obstruction to blood flow
- congenital weakness of the venous wall
- immunological or neuroendocrine disorders
- insufficiency of the valve apparatus of the superficial venous system
Doctors joke: “When there are many theories, the true reason is unknown.” But most phlebologists still believe that most often varicose veins occur due to heredity. The disease can manifest itself in children and grandchildren; may not appear at all, but any little thing will be enough to provoke it. For example, you are at risk if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, or vice versa, spend the whole day on your feet. For the blood to circulate well, contractions of the heart and muscles, negative chest pressure are needed – but when a person is constantly sitting or standing, one of the factors is necessarily excluded, and varicose veins immediately make themselves felt.
In women, hormonal changes, such as starting a contraceptive, can be an additional reason. There is no direct relationship between the start of taking pills and the development of varicose veins, but hormonal drugs often provoke complications of an existing disease. And, of course, pregnancy can provoke varicose veins – after all, weight gain is added to the hormonal background. If you have “varicose heredity” – be sure to visit a phlebologist before pregnancy!
How does varicose veins manifest?
Blood flows upward through the veins of the legs, resisting the force of gravity through several mechanisms. The smallest contribution is made by the pressure of blood from the arteries; the contraction of the leg muscles during movement acts as a pump, and the valves interfere with the return flow of blood. It is the inability of the valves to cope with their tasks that causes impaired blood flow – this leads to overstretching of the veins. And the increase in the lumen of the vein further impairs the operation of the valve – after all, it cannot block a vessel of this diameter! The downward flow of blood increases … a vicious circle is formed.
Symptoms of varicose veins
- twisted veins protruding above the surface of the skin of the legs and feet
- leg pain, mostly in the evenings and afternoons
- swelling and skin changes: dryness, pigmentation (the skin darkens and becomes blotchy)
- trophic disorders (poorly healing wounds such as eczema and even ulcers)
Primary and secondary varicose veins
Primary varicose veins is associated with the weakness of the venous wall or its disorders – usually pregnancy, obesity, standing work, weakness of connective tissues, love of stockings with a tight elastic band contribute to the development of the disease. Secondary varicose veins appears after a violation of venous outflow (the same case when the valves do not cope with work), as well as with tumors and injuries.
The degree of overstretching of the veins is always different and the consequences can be the most unpredictable. With pathology, the risk of thromboebalia increases, which can be fatal. Blood clots usually occur on the legs, but sometimes the veins in the arms or even in the abdomen are affected. Another complication is trophic ulcers: even one small scratch with trophic changes can provoke the growth of ulcers, which are very difficult to deal with if you missed the moment and did not go to the doctor on time. The treatment can last for tens of years, but all that was needed was to consult a phlebologist on time.
Doctors have to deal with another manifestation of varicose veins – bleeding, when the disease is started to such an extent that the veins protrude a centimeter above the surface of the skin and can be injured even due to microscopic trauma. And the most borderline case is thrombophlebitis with irreparable consequences.
Always monitor the condition of your veins! Thrombophlebitis is the more dangerous, the closer to the heart the inflammation is – even if redness, swelling or induration is near the groin, you are at mortal risk. Wherever you find these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately.
The uniqueness of varicose veins is that pain appears only in the early stages – and the more veins thicken, the less they hurt. The first symptoms: pain, burning sensation, heaviness, itching, swelling, darkening and thickening of the skin of the lower leg. Often, varicose veins can be identified “by eye”, but if the veins are hidden deep, they are not visible. Up to 90% of the blood flows in the opposite direction through deep veins (only 10% through the superficial ones), therefore the inconspicuous course of the disease is especially dangerous. If you feel discomfort, pain, heaviness, warmth in your legs, especially after prolonged motionless sitting or standing, and even more so if you have calf muscle cramps and swelling of the ankles, you must undergo a medical examination.
Of course, not all unpleasant sensations in the legs are associated with varicose veins, but you should be alerted permanent manifestation of discomfort!
How to deal with varicose veins?
Modern methods of treatment are fundamentally different from the medical actions of the XNUMXth century – they do not bring pain and suffering and are much less traumatic. The sclerotherapy procedure, which was done a hundred years ago, has now changed a lot – however, this does not mean that treatment should be postponed until the last moment.
Coagulation – a method of treating “stars” and vascular “nets”, precursors of varicose veins. The doctor acts on the diseased vessel with a laser or electricity and the “asterisk” disappears.
Operational method – usually it can be avoided by making an appointment with a phlebologist on time. But even in advanced cases, there is nothing to be afraid of: there are several surgical techniques aimed at maximizing the comfort of patients. For example, miniflekbectomy is done without incisions, and endoscopy allows surgery in a hospital in one day.
How to prevent varicose veins?
The best way is prophylaxis with ointments, gels, compression hosiery, selected by a doctor.
Consider –
Should be picked up by a doctor, not friends or internet sources! Compression hosiery and the degree of compression can only be selected by a phlebologist, taking into account your size and the condition of your veins. It is unlikely that your friend’s or mom’s stockings will suit you.
There are a few more simple rules:
- take a contrast shower;
- do not abuse saunas, solariums, steam rooms, hot baths;
- wear comfortable shoes with heels no more than 4 cm (on high stilettos, the calf muscle does not fully contract, stagnation occurs in the joints, posture changes, the center of gravity shifts – and varicose veins occur!)
This disease is dealt with by vascular surgeons – leave it to them to decide how to treat you for varicose veins!
Where to get a phlebologist’s consultation and get diagnosed?
Please contact
m. Voykovskaya st. Clara Zetkin, 33/28 tel .: 518-94-74, 777-48-49
m. Voykovskaya Cosmonaut Volkov, 9/2 tel .: 225-34-00, 225-50-80
m. Belorusskaya st. Lesnaya, 57, building 1 tel .: 648-60-52, 8-499-973-22-29
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