A glass of hot water on an empty stomach in the morning, benefits

A glass of hot water on an empty stomach in the morning, benefits

In search of means for losing weight and cleansing the body, we often storm pharmacies or order expensive products with unproven effectiveness on the Internet. But such a tool is at hand in any kitchen. Do you know what happens if you drink a glass of hot water daily on an empty stomach in the morning? Let’s tell!

Why is hot water on an empty stomach useful in the morning?

This secret was also used by our great-grandmothers and grandmothers. It turns out that a glass of ordinary drinking water in the morning can do wonders for the body. The benefits of hot water on an empty stomach will be obvious if you want to:

  • cleanse the intestines and stomach from toxins;

  • lose weight without exhausting diets;

  • normalize blood pressure;

  • rid the skin of acne and oily sheen.

Such healing properties of water are well explained by gastroenterologists. They have already proven that digestive waste, toxins and mucus accumulate on the intestinal walls overnight. Hot or cold water in the morning on an empty stomach washes it all away. As a result, the digestive tract starts up, starts its work and is cleansed. If you accustom yourself to such a simple procedure every morning, it will normalize the alkaline balance of the body, which will have a beneficial effect on blood pressure.

It is hot, but not boiled water that is most useful. When boiled, the beneficial properties are lost, such a product will not be fully absorbed by the body. However, tap water in big cities is not of the best quality, sometimes drinking it raw is dangerous to health. In this case, you can use modern filters or purchased drinking water.

How to drink hot water on an empty stomach in the morning?

To cleanse the body and lose weight, it is recommended to drink a glass of hot, but not boiled water every day. The recommended temperature is about 40 degrees. You need to drink in small sips, without rushing. This should be done immediately after waking up, always on an empty stomach.

To improve the taste, you can add a little honey or a slice of lemon (a couple of drops of juice).

At the same time, there are contraindications for water with lemon: it is not recommended to add it with increased acidity of the stomach. Chronic and acute gastritis or ulcers are also contraindications. In this case, it is better to drink just water or add a little honey.

Hot water on an empty stomach every day – and its benefits for the body will not go unnoticed by you, because water is called the basis of life for a reason. Use these simple recipes for health and be healthy!

Expert Opinion

M.D., sports physician, nutritionist, rector of the Ben Weider College of Fitness and Bodybuilding

– To drink or not drink water on an empty stomach, everyone decides in accordance with their food preferences. But if you do drink it, it is better to drink water at room temperature or maximum body temperature. In this case, the body will not expend energy to equalize the temperature and maintain internal homeostasis. Too cold or hot water can irritate the stomach lining, and this will be less physiological.

It is known that lemon is rich in vitamin C. It should be said that getting into hot water or tea, lemon loses its beneficial properties: vitamin C is destroyed.

To lose weight, drinking hot water with lemon is also optional. I have not come across studies that would reliably confirm that it promotes weight loss or speeds up metabolism, improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Our body is a self-regulating system that monitors the required concentration of enzymes, microelements, and excessive addition or dilution will lead to disruption of autoregulation processes.

What’s more, lemon contains organic acids that can stimulate bile secretion. For gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, hot water with lemon on an empty stomach is not recommended. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Still, you should not give up lemon, but I recommend getting vitamin C also from red peppers, black currants and other foods that are rich in them. And the intake of liquids should be distributed evenly throughout the day, based on needs, ambient temperature and sports.

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  1. ჩვეულებრივ ოთახის ტემპერატურის წყალს ვსვამ დილაობით.ზოგჯერ თაფლიანს და ლიმონიანს,მაგრამ ცხელს არამედიცინიდან.გამიგონია რო ცხელი არაფერი არ შეიძლება.და მითუმეტეს თაფლის გახსნა არ შეიძლება ცხელ წყალში,საწამლავად გარდაიქმნება.თბილ წყალში კი შეიძლება

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