A glass of champagne a day improves memory

The Telegraph reports that a person drinking champagne daily can prevent the development of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In the grape varieties Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier, which are most often used to make champagne, there is a compound that supports memory performance.

University of Reading specialist Jeremy Spencer said that dementia affects people over 40 years old. This is not the first time the scientist speaks about the positive impact of champagne on the human body. In 2009, Spencer and his colleagues conducted a series of scientific studies on the identification of those components of champagne that have a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels and the heart muscle.

Scientists have concluded that champagne improves spatial memory. The experiment was carried out on rats. For a month and a half, a small amount of champagne was added to their food, after which the rats had to find bait in the maze. The exercise was repeated every 5 minutes. The same test was carried out at the very beginning of the experiment.

The results were stunning: after champagne, the success of the experiment was 70%, while without it – 50%. In the event that this fizzy drink was used regularly, the concentration of proteins increased by 200%.

Dr. Spencer stated that if it took a month and a half for animals to achieve this result, then it would take a person at least three years. Currently, the scientist plans to conduct testing, which will involve 60 people of retirement age.

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