The official rules turned out to be stronger than both common sense and humanity.
The most absurd story happened in England. Apparently, it is not in vain that this country and its inhabitants are considered prim and not too prone to sentimentality. 14-year-old Niam Baldwin from Cornwall was kicked out of school for doing charity work. “You cannot become famous for good deeds” – so, it seems, the management of the educational institution decided, forbidding the girl to enter the classroom. This is because Niam decided to donate her hair for wigs for children with cancer.
This practice is quite widespread in the West: people grow their hair on purpose in order to give it later for a good cause. Boys who dare to let go of their hair are often hounded by their peers. But for adults to punish a child for indifference – this is something new.
Niam has always had gorgeous blonde hair. Parting with them was probably not easy. But the girl decisively cut the golden curls to zero. And the next day she was not allowed to go to school, citing the rules that stipulated the appearance of the student. Niam’s haircut was, from the official point of view, “extremely short”. The headmaster suggested to Niam that she wrap her head in a scarf like a turban until her hair grows back and study in a separate class.
“I’m just furious. My daughter has done a noble deed. And now they humiliate her for this, as if she did something bad, ”said the girl’s mother. The woman was perplexed: the teachers loved Niam, they always spoke well of her, the girl studied well. But as soon as she parted with her hair, she turned into an outcast.
“The school’s policy regarding the appearance of students is extremely clear. When Niam’s hair grows back at least a couple of centimeters, she can return to class, ”the headmistress was adamant. “Niam was supposed to write a statement saying that she wants to get such a short haircut for the sake of charity. We would offer her some kind of alternative. ”
“It is not the length of the hair that determines what kind of person I am,” retorted Niam herself, posting her picture after the haircut.
Self-sacrifice, nobility, empathy – it turns out that the school is trying with all its might to destroy these qualities in students. But the desire to be like everyone else, opportunism and indifference is what you need to succeed. After all, the main thing is to follow the rules. Or at least their visibility.