A general regime of self-isolation has been declared in Moscow

A general regime of self-isolation has been declared in Moscow

Moscow is introducing strict measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. Sergei Sobyanin said that from March 30, a special regime will operate in the capital. 

A general regime of self-isolation has been declared in Moscow

Moscow stands out against the background of other cities in Russia according to the statistics of cases of coronavirus. More than a thousand patients with COVID-19 have been identified in the capital. 

A non-working week has been declared in Russia since March 28. Vladimir Putin urged citizens not to leave their apartments in order to reduce the likelihood of the spread of the disease. 

Alas, some of the capital’s residents considered the “viral vacation” a weekend and went for a walk in the parks. 

This forced Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin to introduce stricter regulations. 

Since March 30, a general regime of self-isolation has been declared in the capital. Now Muscovites can leave their homes only if they need to get to work, buy groceries at the nearest store and receive emergency medical assistance. It is also allowed to walk dogs (at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the house) and take out the trash. 

The mayor stressed that in the near future the city authorities will tighten the rules even more.

“After carrying out technical and organizational measures, it will be possible to leave with a special pass issued in the manner established by the Moscow government,” Sobyanin said. 

All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.

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