A funny incident from life: a tram without a driver

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! The short story “A funny incident from life: A tram without a driver” is a story that happened to my friend ten years ago.

Tram without driver

Svetlana at that time was a twenty-year-old nursing mother. The father of her five-month-old daughter disappeared in an unknown direction before the baby was born.

From the worries and resentments that fell on her, Sveta was in constant depressed. She hardly left the house (her sister or mother went to the store), she also did not follow her appearance. And then one day she got a toothache and had to go to the dentistry.

A friend enters the tram. All in her thoughts and problems, she goes to the driver to buy a ticket. He approaches the cockpit, and there is no one there! She is in a panic: the accident will happen now! She ran back through the carriage shouting: “Comrades! A tram without a driver! “

There were not many “comrades” in the salon and they all looked at her as if she were crazy.

“Are they completely fools or what? They sit quietly, don’t even worry! ” – thought a friend. And let’s explain excitedly, breaking into a shout: “There is no one in the cockpit! We’re driving without a driver! ”

Then there was a burst of laughter. One guy riding with friends laughed the loudest: “The circus left, but the clowns stayed!” And the other, seeing complete bewilderment on her face, took pity and explained: “We are going in the second carriage, in a trailer. And the driver is in the first ”.

Only then did the girl realize the comic nature of the situation, in which she looked like a complete idiot.

Sveta jumped out at the first stop and wept bitterly. She then roared over any trifle. “Come on, don’t bother, who doesn’t happen to,” a voice came from behind.

She turned around and saw the guy who was talking about the circus. “You yourself are a clown!” – Belatedly answered the girl and roared even more. And her “comforter” was bewilderedly hovering around.

Neither he nor she at that moment had any idea that this tram had connected them for a long time, maybe for the rest of their lives. A year later, they got married and have been living in perfect harmony for ten years.

A funny incident from life: a tram without a driver

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