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a fresh face in the morning, how to get rid of bruises under the eyes, how not to swell in the morning, facial swelling, facial fatigue, folk beauty recipes

Residents of Izhevsk shared different methods of care, each of which will help to cope with swelling, “bags” and external fatigue. As proof: morning selfie and a couple of “evening” photos from each girl!

“Fast freezing” by Svetlana Lozhkina

“My biggest problem can rightfully be considered dry skin. I think that many of us have at least once felt an unpleasant tightness, as if a thin film had formed on our face. I found a great way that relieved me of my daily discomfort! To do this, it is enough to squeeze the juice from 2-3 fresh cucumbers and freeze it in ice cube trays. This supply is enough for a week. Every morning I wipe my face with cucumber ice and enjoy the softness and tenderness of the skin! “

“Coffee tan” from Zamalieva Gulnaz

“Everyone knows that coffee invigorates not only the body, but also the spirit. But few people know about alternative uses of coffee beans. Not so long ago I discovered completely new properties of it. For example, coffee perfectly invigorates the skin of the face, constricts blood vessels, and also with its help you can give your face a light tan. To do this, mix 1–2 tablespoons of crushed coffee beans with boiled water and apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face, and after 10–15 minutes rinse with warm water. You just have to enjoy the feeling of freshness and light bronze skin tone! “

Cold Test by Victoria Khikhlova

“It’s not so difficult to wake up your face in the morning. A regular towel helps me with this. In the evening I put it in the freezer, and in the morning I wipe my face with a cold towel. The skin takes on a fresh look, and a delicate blush appears on the cheeks! “

“Vigor of Citrus” by Valeria Shadrina

“I love not only to feast on tangerines, but also to pamper my skin with them! This wonderful fruit makes an excellent face mask, the origins of the recipes for which go far to the East. If you have the strength and time, you can grind tangerine or orange peels and make a wonderful soft scrub. If time is limited, then make a simple tangerine pulp mask that will make your face glow. To prepare the mask, I take 1-2 tangerines (or orange) and cane sugar (which is the binding part). All ingredients must be mixed in a blender. The mask is ready! Boldly apply on face for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse off with cold water.

“Tea ceremony” by Alina Khomenko

“My favorite and proven way to tidy up in the morning is with strong black tea compresses. The recipe was suggested to me by my grandmother. She said that tea would help relieve swelling and redness of the skin. And she was absolutely right! In my performance, the method looks like this: pour 1-2 teaspoons of black leaf tea with a glass of boiling water and insist until the tea leaves are fully disclosed; after that, we dip cotton pads in the resulting liquid and, slightly squeezing out, apply to the eyelids. You can also wipe your entire face with a tea compress, or simply wash your face with strong tea! “

“Instant update” from Victoria Izhboldina

“Every girl probably has at least one bottle of cleanser on her shelf in the bathroom. And I am no exception. But it is not always possible to remove the accumulated fatigue from the skin with cosmetics alone, sometimes you have to come up with little tricks. In this case, I have my own! In the morning, in addition to the cleansing foam, I use a natural bristle peeling brush. With its help, I do a light peeling, and if you add a drop of olive oil to the bristles, the procedure will also become healing. Delicate skin and fresh glow are guaranteed for you! “

“Home aromatherapy” by Elena Perevozchikova

“As a rule, the morning for me is not the most rosy time. To calm down and tune in to a working mood, I delight myself with a light massage with aromatic oils. The base is a small amount of olive oil with the addition of a couple of camellas of rose or lemongrass oil. Each girl can choose the oils to her taste. The main thing is not to overdo it, as oils have a strong smell. Once the massage oil mixture is ready, little is left to do. Dip the tips of the fingers of both hands and begin to massage your face in gentle circular motions: from the eyebrows to the hair roots, from the lower lip to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear, from the wings of the nose to the temples and from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the tips of the eyebrows. Following my advice, you will learn that the morning can be good! “

“Cleopatra’s Milk Baths” by Julia Antonova

“The first beauty for me has always been and will be Cleopatra. As you know, the most important recipe for her beauty is milk baths. It is quite difficult to do this today, and not cheap. Therefore, I found for myself a simplified version that I use every day for washing. Take 1 liter of water and add 1 tablespoon of milk. Wash your face with this mixture morning and evening. The tenderness of the skin and the beauty of Cleopatra are guaranteed to you! “

“Contrast” by Anna Rogotneva

“Contrasting washes are my recipe for morning freshness! As well as a contrast shower, face wash perfectly tones and refreshes the skin. An important aspect is that the temperature of the water for the initial wash should be hot, but not scalding. And for the next, a little warm, even cool. Thanks to this method, the skin on my face remains fresh and firm all day long. Regularity will make you feel the effect of the procedure. Be beautiful! “

“Gifts of the Forest” from Gilfanova Regina

“The discovery for me was the long-familiar forest herbs, which, if desired, can be found in the pharmacy. I use their decoctions for the morning cleansing of the skin from keratinized particles, as well as to make it velvety. If the skin is oily and has problem areas, then it is better to use a decoction of calendula. If the skin is dry, chamomile will help it. And sage will cope with puffiness and bags under the eyes. Strain the broth and cool before washing. They can not only wash, but also make compresses from gauze or cotton pads. “

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