A four-year-old from Ukraine suffering from leukemia on the border

The search for a transport for four-year-old Nikita from Ukraine, suffering from acute myeloid leukemia, has been successfully completed. The boy reached the Polish border. Immediately after the check-in, it is to be transported to the University Teaching Hospital in Gdańsk.

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A four-year-old from Ukraine suffering from leukemia in Poland

4-year-old Nikita suffers from acute myeloid leukemia. Tatiana’s mother tried to evacuate the sick boy and his sisters to Poland. But they got stuck in Lviv, the medical convoy didn’t take him. From Wednesday, in Przemyśl, a dramatic search for transport for Nikita was carried out.

– Every hour matters, the boy has a bed at the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk. There is also a specialist ambulance from Pomerania, which will take him from the border to the place – said Anna Czarnowska, who has been waiting for the toddler and his family at the border since Wednesday.

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After 14 p.m., she told PAP that she was standing at the border barrier and was looking for the boy and his relatives who were going through clearance. Thanks to people of good will, the whole family was delivered to the border by bus.

Next, Nikita will go in an ambulance. The child is already undergoing chemotherapy and continuing treatment in a high-reference center may be his only chance for life.

There is also Marzena Zawistowska, who will take in Nikita’s family with her husband. – We are waiting, we are very nervous. May we be able to win against time – he says.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Poles evacuated 40 children with cancer from Ukraine

There is constant help in bringing people from Ukraine to Poland, including those who are seriously ill. On Wednesday, as part of a humanitarian mission, over 100 people were evacuated from Lviv, including 40 children with cancer.

The Polish diplomatic mission, consisting of Consul General Eliza Dzwonkiewicz, Consul Rafał Kocot, Professor of Oncology and Pediatric Surgery Wojciech Młynarski, Dr. Roman Kizyma – Ukrainian oncologist and the Heros Foundation, participated in the evacuation of sick children. The children were looked after by Dr. Paweł Kukiz-Szczuciński, who in 2020 participated in medical missions in covid hospitals in Italy, Tajikistan and Ethiopia.

– I have seen a lot in my life, but the moment we left the hospital in Lviv, the sight of despairing fathers and grandparents saying goodbye to their grandchildren and children will remain in my memory for the rest of my life. These men were aware that they did not know when they would meet their relatives again, especially since some of them were going to the front, but they knew that their relatives were going to a safe place, says Dr. Paweł Kukiz-Szczuciński for PAP.

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40 children with oncological diseases were evacuated from Lviv. – Among them were, among others children from the hospital in Kiev, which was shot at by the s a few days earlier, and young patients from the hospital in Lviv. In total, it was almost 40 children suffering from myeloid and lymphocytic leukemia. The youngest of them was 37 days oldand – adds Kukiz-Szczuciński, calling for the opening of humanitarian corridors for children.

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