A fine not only for not vaccinating a child. The Supreme Administrative Court issued a judgment

A landmark vaccination ruling has been passed. The Supreme Administrative Court ruled that a parent who does not attend a pre-vaccination screening test is breaking the law because he or she refuses to comply with the statutory obligation. Which is punishable by a fine for each parent separately.

Rzeczpospolita described the latest judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court on vaccination. The court heard the case of parents who decided not to show up with their daughter for vaccinations. Consequently, the sanitary services issued orders for the mother and father to be vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps and rubella. The parents did not respond to official letters and were fined.

Parents claimed that they are unable to meet the vaccination obligation because the regulations are imprecise, for example, they do not specify what type of vaccine should be given to the child and in what dose. They also disagreed with the fine imposed and argued that the enforcement order should be shared by the parents. This argumentation did not convince the Sanepid officials. They showed that the obligation to subject a child to preventive vaccination arises directly from the provisions of the law and can be enforced administratively. In turn, the doctor decides about the type of vaccine administered during the qualifying visit – we read on rp.pl.

Ultimately, the parents were not righted by the Provincial Administrative Court in Poznań, which confirmed that the obligation to vaccinate the child is directly enforceable. The parents’ arguments also did not convince the Supreme Administrative Court.

“Parents with parental responsibility are responsible for complying with the obligation to vaccinate him. In the opinion of the Supreme Administrative Court, since each of the parents can act independently as a statutory representative, an enforcement order aimed at forcing them to vaccinate may be issued against each of them separately “, writes” Rzeczpospolita “.

Additionally, the judges of the Supreme Administrative Court indicated that the pre-vaccination screening examination is an integral part of the procedure. It cannot be carried out without it. The judgments are final.

Based on: rp.pl / tvn24.pl

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