A few words about glutamic acid.

A few words about glutamic acid.

Glutamic, glutamic, or a-aminoglutaric acid, is present in the human body both in free form and in the composition of various low molecular weight substances and proteins. Endogenous glutamic acid is found in significant quantities in the proteins of the white and gray matter of the brain. In blood plasma, it is 1/3 of all free amino acids.

Glutamic acid plays a major role in nitrogen metabolism, is a stimulant of redox processes in the brain and an important component of myofibrils (organelles of striated muscle cells); it normalizes metabolism and increases the body’s resistance to hypoxia.


Main functions.

Recent scientific studies have proved that glutamic acid, although it belongs to a number of nonessential amino acids, is indispensable for some tissues of the human body and cannot be replenished with any other amino acid or substance. In the body, glutamic acid is involved in a huge number of vital processes and performs many functions:

  • synthesis of amino acids;
  • biosynthesis of carbohydrates;
  • stimulation of nitrogen metabolism;
  • synthesis of nucleic acids;
  • neutralization and removal of ammonia;
  • neurotransmitter function;
  • oxidative processes in brain cells with energy release (ATP);
  • increasing the permeability of muscle tissue for potassium ions;
  • synthesis of serotonin (through tryptophan);
  • enzyme synthesis (NAD);
  • participation in the synthesis of c-AMP;
  • synthesis of c-GMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) – mediator of mediator and hormonal signals.

The body’s daily requirement for glutamic acid is 16 g.

Pharmacological action of glutamic acid.

Glutamic acid is used as a nootropic and detoxifying drug that actively stimulates metabolism in the cells of the central nervous system. During stress and illness, a person needs so much glutamine that the body does not have time to produce it in such quantities and simply cannot stand it. In many clinics, glutamic acid is prescribed for people suffering from neuropsychic stress and various injuries (burns, post-surgery, various diseases).

In addition, glutamic acid has a fairly strong anti-catabolic effect and protects the body from loss of muscle mass. Under the influence of glutamic acid, the formation of red blood cells increases, the level of hemoglobin in the blood rises, which is also of great importance for people involved in sports. With a lack of energy sources in the body, glutamic acid is oxidized in the mitochondria and releases a large amount of energy, as well as enhances the oxidation of other energy compounds.

Use of glutamine.

Recently, particular importance has been given to the neurotransmitter function of glutamic acid. Since it belongs to the neurotransmitter amino acids, it can lead to the excitation of neurons, thereby stimulating the transmission of excitation in the contacts (synapses) of the central nervous system.


Glutamic acid today it is widely used in the food industry (sodium salt) to improve the nutritional value and taste of products. In medicine, this substance is actively used in the treatment of many mental and nervous disorders and diseases. Magnesium and calcium salts of glutamic acid are also recommended.

In the practice of sports nutrition, glutamic acid is used as a means of increasing performance, helping to recover after prolonged physical exertion, and also as a detoxification and anabolic drug.

Side effects of glutamic acid.

Most often glutamic acid does not give any side effects and is well tolerated by the body. However, with prolonged use of glutamic acid, a decrease in the hemoglobin content and a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood can be observed, as well as gastrointestinal disorders and increased excitation of the nervous system.



Glutamic acid should not be taken by people with individual intolerance, as well as with diseases of the stomach, hematopoietic organs, with increased excitability of the central nervous system, anemia, obesity, fever.

It is necessary to take this drug with caution for liver diseases, renal failure.

Recommendations and special instructions

Coated tablets (glutaminici obductae) or intestinal soluble tablets (glutaminici enterosolubiles) are preferred for oral administration.


If you are taking glutamic acid in powder form, then after each dose you should rinse your mouth with a special solution of sodium bicarbonate.

It is better for young children to take glutamic acid in the form of a suspension, which can be prepared as granules of this drug.

While taking glutamic acid, urine and blood should be examined regularly.


For diseases such as myopathy and muscular dystrophy, glutamic acid will be more effective when combined with glycine or pachicarpin.

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