A few questions about allergies – tell us about your symptoms and see how many people responded as well as you!
Home Allergic conjunctivitis
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Allergy symptoms can make everyday functioning difficult. Answer a few questions below and see how many people, like you, struggle with allergies.

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Have you been diagnosed with seasonal allergies or any other allergic disease?

I was sick only as a child

What kind of allergic disease have you been diagnosed with?

food alergy
contact allergy (e.g. to nickel, dyes, cosmetics or plastics)
inhalation allergy
drug allergy
allergy to insect venom

Do you suffer from more than one type of allergy? (e.g. inhalation and food allergy)

I do not know

Have you ever had allergy skin tests?

I don’t remember

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the severity of your allergic symptoms?


Which are your most common allergic symptoms?

Itchy, watery eyes
Sneezing, runny nose
Dyspnea, breathing problems
Rash and other skin lesions
Digestive system ailments
I am not experiencing allergic symptoms

Do you get itchy, red eyes often?

No, I don’t have these symptoms
Yes, sometimes
So very often

How often do you experience a stuffy nose?

Once a week or more
2-3 times a month
Several times a year
Once a year or less

How often do you get a runny nose?

Once a week or more
2-3 times a month
Several times a year
Once a year or less

Are you taking oral antihistamines?

Used to be yes, but now I do not accept

If so, how often do you use oral antihistamines?

Once a week or more
2-3 times a month
Several times a year
Once a year or less
Not applicable

Are you relieved after taking allergy medications?

Yes, a lot
Yes, but not much
Not applicable

Are you using allergy conjunctivitis eye drops when your eyes start to feel red and itchy?

Yes, always
Yes, but only sometimes

At what time of the day do you most persistently experience allergic symptoms?

Around midday
In the afternoon
In the evening
I am not experiencing allergic symptoms

Do you agree with the statement: “Allergic symptoms negatively affect my quality of life and hinder my daily functioning”?

I strongly disagree
I rather disagree
I tend to agree
I definetly agree

Have you ever been hospitalized for allergies?

I don’t remember

At what time of the year do your allergic symptoms increase the most?


Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with any allergic disease?

I do not know
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