A few months before his death, Piotr Balicki heard the diagnosis. It started with a pain in my arm

Piotr Balicki in February this year. informed that he is struggling with skin cancer, and more precisely with melanoma. After some time, he also admitted that doctors gave him only 30 percent. chances of defeating the disease. A few months after hearing the diagnosis, the presenter passed away.

  1. Piotr Balicki reported on the fight against cancer on an ongoing basis via social media profiles
  2. He admitted that the doctors diagnosed him with melanoma, but could not locate it. It all started with a pain in my arm
  3. Melanoma is a malignant and aggressive skin cancer. It is also one of the easiest forms of neoplastic disease to diagnose
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Piotr Balicki died on Friday morning. For the past few months, he has struggled with melanoma. The information about his death was confirmed on its profiles in social media by the TVN station, with which the popular announcer and presenter has been cooperating for a long time.

«Piotr Balicki died at the age of only 38. The announcer and TVN presenter known and liked by the audience heard a bad diagnosis from doctors a few months ago, it turned out that he had melanoma »- we read on TVN’s Instagram.

Piotr Balicki is dead. He fought melanoma

Piotr Balicki in February this year. reported on social media that he has been diagnosed with melanoma, which is malignant cancer skin and one of the most aggressive.

«My home is currently room number 2, somewhere in the Oncology Center. I started a fairly brutal fight with the wolf. There are no spectacularly positive prospects »- wrote the presenter at the time.

The presenter reported his fight with melanoma on an ongoing basis. In May 2022 this year. He appeared in the program “City of Women”, in which he admitted that his problems began with the pain in his arm. Doctors diagnosed him with melanoma, but couldn’t locate it. They only gave him 30 percent. chances of defeating the tumor.

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Melanoma – how to recognize it?

Melanoma is one of the easiest forms of cancer to diagnose because it grows on the surface of the skin and most often on exposed parts of the body. That is why regular and careful observation of your own skin is so important. Thanks to it, melanoma can be detected early. Any birthmark, growth, or mole that is disturbing or changes over time should be checked as soon as possible.

What should you pay special attention to? The five basic features are called ABCDE for melanoma. These are:

  1. A – asymmetry, e.g. a mark “pouring out” to one side,
  2. B – edges that are irregular, uneven, jagged or have thickenings,
  3. C – red or black, non-uniform color,
  4. D – large size, lesion size greater than 0,5 cm,
  5. E – evolution, that is, progressive changes taking place in the birthmark.

Who is most at risk of developing melanoma?

People with a particular type of beauty are more likely to develop melanoma. This group also includes those with a family history of skin cancer. In addition, melanoma most often affects middle-aged and elderly people.

Factors that contribute to the formation of melanoma include:

  1. light complexion,
  2. bright Eyes,
  3. blonde or red hair
  4. freckles or multiple moles and pigmented lesions;
  5. low sun tolerance and difficult tanning;
  6. easy to sunburn;
  7. skin injuries;
  8. scars from inflammation and burns;
  9. HPV infection.

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