A few (great) words about love

“When we are in love, we love no one”: in every work of the writer Marcel Proust, all the most important things about love are said.

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“Toward Svan”

  • “Before, he often thought with horror that the day would come when his love for Odette would pass, and, in the end, he promised himself to be on the alert: as soon as he felt that love was leaving, he would cling to her and not let go. And it turned out that along with the death of love, the desire not to lose love died away in him. After all, we cannot change, that is, become a different person, continuing to be influenced by the feelings of that person who no longer exists. And then he mentally exclaimed with that rudeness that broke through in him at times when he ceased to be unhappy and became worse: “How is it: I killed several years of my life, I wanted to die only because I loved a woman with all my soul, I didn’t like, a woman not my type!”

“Under the shadow of girls in bloom”

  • “Life is full of miracles that lovers can always count on.”
  • “However, the best thing is not to try to comprehend the events that occur in life, under a variety of circumstances, concerning love, since what is inevitable and, as it were, unexpected in them, apparently, obeys laws more supernatural than rational.”
  • “In love, happiness is an abnormal state, capable of instantly giving to chance, apparently the most simple, always able to arise, of great importance, which it actually does not have. A person is really happy because something unstable appears in his heart, something that he tries to keep forever and hardly notices until it changes position. In life, love is a continuous torment, and joy neutralizes it, weakens it, delays it, but at any moment it can become what it would have been for a long time if what was desired had not been achieved – unbearable.
  • “In love, the more undeniable the defeat, the harsher the conditions, and if only the winner has the opportunity to deliver them, he will make sure that the severity of them all increases.”
  • “While you love, love does not fit in us all entirely; it radiates at the loved one, bumps into its surface, the surface blocks its way and throws it back to the starting point – it is this reflected blow of our own passion that we call the feeling of another person, and it, this passion, fascinates us more than when flying out because we are no longer aware that it comes from us.”
  • “The most important thing in life is not who we love, what matters is love.”
  • “The most extraordinary love for a woman is always love for something else.”

Bert Hellinger

“Orders of love. How life and love work together”

“Love is the driving force behind all our actions,” says German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. It was this view of the nature of our behavior that became the basis of the system-phenomenological approach he developed to family psychotherapy.

“U Germantov”

  • “And here it is appropriate to ask ourselves the question: is it necessary to take care of Love (by love we mean both love for life and love for fame – after all, there are probably people who are familiar with these two feelings) to beware, as others protect themselves from noise, – do not ask to stop making noise, but plug their ears – focus our attention, our defensive means within us, direct them not to belittle the beloved being outside of us, but our ability to suffer because of him?
  • “After all, when we are in love, we want the beloved woman to know that we have small values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthat no one knows anything about – this is a property of all offended by fate and all annoying people. We suffer because she is unaware of them, and we try to console ourselves by convincing ourselves that precisely because these values ​​are not visible, she, perhaps, adds our unknown advantages over other people to her idea of ​​​​us. .
  • “Undoubtedly, the general disease called love sometimes made him – as it happens with all people – think that she loves him. But experience told him that love was love, but that she did not leave him only because of his money, and that on the day when she had nothing more to expect from him, she would not slow down (for he considered that she was a victim of his theories literary friends), continuing to love him, break with him.
  • “Love and suffering, which make up one whole with love, has, like intoxication, the ability to change objects in our eyes.”
  • “She had a knack only in love, but she owed this knack to a touching premonition inherent in women who love men so much that they instantly guess, despite the difference between their body and the body of a man, what can give them the greatest pleasure.”
  • “It rarely happens that people who have played a big role in our lives drop out of it suddenly and forever. From time to time they reappear in our lives (some even give reason to believe that love has flared up again), and then they are gone forever.
  • “Jealousy, which serves as an extension of love, is not much richer than other forms of imagination.”
  • “Live longer with a woman – and you will no longer see in her what you loved her for; however, jealousy can unite what has fallen apart. But only these repeated combinations will no longer captivate our eyes and resonate with ominous pain in our hearts.
  • “Of course, it is wiser to sacrifice one’s life for women than for postage stamps, old snuff boxes, even than for paintings and statues. But only on the example of other collections should we understand that it is good to have not one, but many women.”
  • “Of course, I did not like Albertina at all; a creature of mist, it could only satisfy a fictitious desire that arose in me during a change in the weather and is something between desires that can be satisfied by the culinary arts and the desire to be part of a monumental sculpture, for I dreamed that something would touch my flesh material, something different and warm, and at the same time – about attaching by some point of my elongated body to the body branching off from it … “

“Sodom and Gomorrah”

  • “Love is love, nothing can be done about it, although, in my opinion, love should not cross certain boundaries.”
  • “Like everyone who is not in love, he imagined that a loved one was chosen after much thought, taking into account one or another of his properties, they were chosen for various reasons.”
  • “When a person is jealous a little bit, it is even kind of nice – nice for two reasons. Firstly, thanks to this, people who are not curious begin to be interested in the life of others, or at least the life of one woman. And secondly, thanks to this, you more or less clearly foresee what joy possession brings … But jealousy is pleasant only at the very very beginning of the disease, or when an almost complete recovery occurs. In between, it’s the most painful torture.”
  • “Such is the property of love – having fallen in love, we become more suspicious and at the same time more gullible, doubt creeps in about the woman we love, rather than about any other, and at the same time it is easier for us to accept her denial on faith. You need to love in order to be aware that there are not only honest women, and therefore, pay attention to dishonest ones, you also need to love in order to desire their existence, in other words, to be convinced of their existence.
  • “A beloved being is for us either a disease or a medicine, from which it becomes either better or worse.”
  • “Since then, I have had a premonition that in unrequited love – in other words, just in love, because for some people love is always unrequited – you can enjoy not happiness itself, but only its appearance – the appearance that visited me in one of those unique moments when, thanks to the kindness of a woman, or thanks to her whim, or thanks to chance, her words, her actions completely correspond to our desires – as if she really loved us.
  • “A being that we do not love, but that loves us, we cannot bear.”

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