A fetal doppler at home: good or bad idea?

Boom boom, boom boom… In your belly, a small beating heart, that of your baby. This magical moment, experienced by future parents during the first ultrasound, many would like to extend. Some childcare brands have therefore had the idea of ​​launching fetal dopplers, to be used at home.

The fetal doppler is in the pocket!

The latest of these devices, no bigger than an MP3 player, allows you to listen to and record Baby’s heart activity or a little hiccup. Better yet: the sound can be posted on the Internet to share it with Dad, at the office, or Auntie, on the other side of the world!

But what do doctors think of these fetal dopplers?

Fetal Doppler: the fetus, exposed to ultrasound

Sonographer Roger Bessis does not condemn the existence of these fetal dopplers. But he sees, in these devices, only an unnecessary risk-taking:

The fetal doppler, to know your baby by heart!

The doctor also wonders about the relationship that these future parents build with their child: 

Fetal doppler: a significant anxiety-inducing side

Let us not forget, either, the sideanxiety inducing fetal Doppler … Baby is badly positioned, result: impossible to capture the slightest beating of his heart.

For all these reasons, Roger Bessis, just like the manufacturers, recommend a moderate use fetal doppler. Doesn’t the adage say “not to abuse good things, to be able to appreciate them»?

* author the «Who are we before we are born?“(Calmann-Lévy)

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