Bladder problems and their recurrence are much more common in women than in men. Cystitis is quite a serious matter with which it is necessary to go to the doctor, but when it strikes us suddenly and unexpectedly, you just need to act. The most well-known remedy for urinary tract diseases is eating cranberries. There are also other methods that are worth implementing to avoid unpleasant complications and kidney disease.
Modern fashion is not conducive to our kidneys and bladder. Too short jackets, low-waisted trousers and short blouses are definitely not allies of our urinary system. In the cold season, it is better to put on warm sweaters and jackets that cover the entire back and buttocks. This is especially necessary for people who regularly suffer from problems with the urinary system.
Women get sick more often. Why?
One of the causes of cystitis is precisely supercooling, but it is also often caused by the female anatomy. Through the short and wide urethra, various types of harmful microorganisms – chlamydia, bacteria, yeasts – “wander” from the urethra straight to the bladder. Therefore, many women also suffer from frequent intimate infections, such as vaginal mycosis, which may also be accompanied by urinary tract ailments.
The most common symptoms of cystitis are:
- Abdominal pain, most often located at the bottom, behind the pubic bone,
- The feeling of not emptying the bladder, even though we have just used the toilet,
- Burning in the ureter, with time – sharp pain,
- Feeling of discomfort during and after urination,
- Sometimes there’s blood
- Frequent visits to the toilet.
Relieving symptoms with home remedies
It happens that after the prompt implementation of home treatment, the symptoms subside after five days. However, if they last longer, see your doctor immediately. In self-relief of cystitis symptoms, it is important to be regular fluid replenishment. It should be at least 3 liters a day to prevent the development of infections in the intimate area. It is also good to take increased amounts vitamin C. – by drinking a glass of boiled water with the juice of half a lemon every day or by swallowing tablets containing this ingredient.
It’s worth reaching for herbal infusions to drink, which have a diuretic and soothing effect. Bet on pansy, dandelion, horsetail, birch and nettle. You can also find ready-made mixtures in pharmacies. It is important to warm the affected areas, i.e. staying warm, e.g. under a duvet, and using electric heating pads or warm compresses for sore spots.
In addition to drinking herbs, you can also buy special herbal preparations for bladder problems that have a diuretic and antiseptic effect. You should also take care of your surroundings – microbes that cause inflammation can be found on towels, bedding and underwear, so it is worth washing them at 60 degrees to eliminate bacteria.