A factor that is crucial for the quality of sexual life

66 percent Poles are satisfied with their lives – this is the result of the 2020 study “Health, relationships in relationships and sexual life of Polish women and Poles during the COVID-19 pandemic”. This does not mean that nothing can be changed for the better. Physical activity can positively affect the efficiency and quality of sexual life. How can sport affect sex? This question is answered by Dr. Krzysztof Róg, a sexologist at the Damian Medical Center.

  1. Regular physical activity affects not only our body and psyche, but also the intimate sphere of life
  2. According to the expert, sport can help relieve stress, which will positively affect the quality of sexual life. But these are not the only advantages of sport
  3. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Many factors lead to successful sex, and a satisfying sex life can be enjoyed by both a long-term couple, a beginning marriage, a newly formed relationship, as well as singles. Each of us has our own needs, so there is no one recipe and a recipe for perfect intercourse always and in every situation. However, this does not mean that we do not have universal guidelines that can significantly improve the quality of sex. One of them is to focus on physical activity and regular sports, which is supported by at least a few reasons.

More sport means less stress

And less stress often means more desire for intercourse. How it’s working? If we are under high tension, we can be irritable, nervous, and even experience stomach aches or headaches. Usually in this mood we don’t feel like initiating contact.

Stress, of course, has a negative effect on our entire body, so it’s worth learning how to reduce it. One of the ways is through physical activity. During running, aerobic exercise or cycling, the body produces hormones responsible for our mood. So the level rises after a successful training session endorphins, dopamine and serotonin, which have to do with feeling pleasure and happiness. Another advantage is the reduction of tensions.

It is also worth noting that according to the latest WHO recommendations, we should be active through 350 minutes a week, or about 50 minutes a day. Movement is one of the fundamental aspects of taking care of our health, and when we feel well, we also have more energy, which we will certainly be more willing to spend on “bed matters”.

Good condition useful during love raptures

For people who avoid physical exertion, sex can be just… tiring. However, if there is a way to avoid getting out of breath so quickly, it’s worth taking advantage of it. Regularly practiced physical activity increases our cardiovascular and respiratory efficiency, which in a simple ratio will prevent us from feeling tired so quickly.

It is also worth mentioning that thanks to exercise, our body becomes more supple and elastic, and the skin becomes tense. People who are stretched will certainly find it easier to try new sexual positions, which will increase the quality of intimate elation.

A sport that benefits the figure as well

Thanks to activity, we can, of course, also lose calories, and thus extra kilos, which, especially during the pandemic, could accumulate in some places. Of course, it should be made clear that the appearance of our body really is of secondary importance. If partners love and respect each other, they certainly accept their bodies as well, but it may happen that we ourselves impose certain limitations on ourselves, we have complexes that make us completely unwilling to undress in front of our partner. If we are ashamed, we are also more tense, which makes it difficult to get real pleasure from being close.

In this case, it is definitely worth incorporating daily physical activity into our lives. Fewer centimeters in the waist, tighter and more elastic skin will certainly also translate into increased self-confidence. By feeling more attractive, we will also be more willing and bolder in the bedroom.

Run for… higher libido?

This is not an exaggeration at all. While doing sports, e.g. running, we oxygenate our body and improve the blood supply to the vessels and muscles – including the genitals. The better the blood flow, the better our sexual experience can be. Especially in women, this can result in stronger vaginal hydration and sensitivity, thus also increasing libido.

In addition, physical activity is also an effective way to increase testosterone levels. Pair training is also great, thanks to which we spend more time with a partner, and the post-workout endorphin release may also translate into the continuation of joint exercises in the bedroom.

This may interest you:

  1. Physical proximity protects against stress. But Poles have a problem with desire
  2. The best sex begins with the words: “Yes, I want it, don’t stop!”
  3. Women get beautiful after sex. The skin becomes younger and the body cleanses itself

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