A drastic drop in the number of tests. Will the trend reverse after changing the quarantine policy?
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The number of coronavirus tests has clearly decreased – 7,8 thousand tests were performed in Poland in the last XNUMX hours. Although the trend in the number of tests performed in recent days is clearly downward, the Ministry of Health hopes that the trend will reverse. A modification to the quarantine policy may affect the situation.

Fewer tests for coronavirus after the May weekend

At the end of April, laboratories in Poland carried out an average of several thousand tests for coronavirus per day. During the May weekend, these numbers began to decrease day by day, and today the Ministry of Health informed that about 7,8 tests were performed daily.

Due to the fact that already 100 laboratories can carry out tests for coronavirus, in theory, up to 25 can be carried out. during the day. In practice, it still has not been possible to reach the level of 18 thousand. tests a day.

According to RMF FM, according to the spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Wojciech Andrusiewicz, in subsequent reports the numbers should again indicate 17-18 thousand. tests a day, maybe more. Such estimates are also based on new quarantine regulations – people covered by it will be able to leave their home to undergo the tests.

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Changing the quarantine rules and the number of tests for coronavirus

The Ministry of Health has decided to modify the rules on people in quarantine to improve testing for coronavirus. Mobile swab collection points are to be installed at homonymous hospitals, to which – following individual instructions – quarantined persons will be able to go.

Under the new procedure it will be possible temporary interruption of the quarantine and drive your car to the designated point to submit the sample for analysis. The implementation of such an undertaking, however, cannot be planned freely. A visit to a collection point will be planned in advance, a the person in quarantine will be informed in a private SMS about when and where they should go.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

Also read:

  1. Coronavirus in Poland [CURRENT DATA]
  2. Professor Horban on the coronavirus: We are on a downward wave
  3. Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski explains how long you can wear the mask

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