A dog’s sixth sense saved the life of a pregnant owner

If it were not for the pet’s flair and intuition, it is not known whether the expectant mother and her baby would have been able to survive.

Dogs are amazing creatures. They are so attached to their masters that they are ready to give their lives for them. Not many people are capable of such devoted love. One of the stories of such incredible devotion just shook the Internet.

Meet Alana Butler and her pet Keola, an American Akita dog. Alana and Ricky have been married for several years, and finally that wonderful moment came when they found out that there would soon be three of them. More precisely, taking into account Keola, four: Alana became pregnant. Not only the future parents were delighted, but also Keola: she was expecting a baby with the same enthusiasm as her owners. There was no question of putting the dog out of the house where the child would soon appear – and many are trying to get rid of the pet, fearing that it will not get along with the unborn baby.

Week after week went by, the pregnancy was developing as expected. Only one trouble bothered Alana – her back was very sore. However, after another visit to the doctor, he decided that it was just such a side effect – everyone’s back hurts, especially if the muscles are not very developed.

“Be patient, baby, it’s just a pregnancy,” and the doctor sent Alana home.

It turns out that there was no cause for concern. But Keola, Alana’s dog, didn’t think so. She sat down opposite and began to gaze intently at the hostess, refusing to move away from her even a step. The dog’s strange behavior was impossible not to notice.

“I took a picture of her and posted the picture on Facebook. I also joked that I should have called Keola Hachiko, – said Alana. – My friends took this unexpectedly seriously and advised me to pay attention to the behavior of the dog. They thought Keola was smelling something. “

Keola really smelled something. Over time, the dog’s behavior became more and more strange. She pushed the hostess all the time, whined, worried every time Alana left the house. In the end, the woman decided that Keola saw more than people. And she went to the hospital – just in case, to check again if everything was in order. Alana did not return home from the hospital – she was taken to the intensive care unit.

“Nobody understood how sick I was – only Keola. It turns out that I was literally dying. The doctors discovered I had a rare kidney infection – which is why my back just fell off. I came for help at the last moment. A little more – and it would be too late, ”- explained Alana.

Not only did the infection turn out to be very rare. The girl’s body also turned out to be extremely immune to antibiotics.

“The doctors said that another day or two – and neither me nor my son would have been saved. It is not for nothing that they say that dogs are even capable of smelling cancer from the owner, ”recalls Alana.

Keola saved two lives at once. She became a real keeper for the son of Alana and Rikki, who was born absolutely healthy and glorious baby. They named him Lincoln. Now she and Keola are best friends.

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