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According to the calculations of the Ministry of Health published at the beginning of November this year. Since the vaccination with the second dose, the infection with the coronavirus has exceeded only 0,39 percent. persons who were fully vaccinated (14 days after taking the full dose), which constituted 4,91% of all infections. On the other hand, the statistics on deaths indicate that of those who lost the fight against the disease, 3,01 percent. were vaccinated, and these deaths were not related to vaccination. Unfortunately, we do not have data on the age of the deceased, although studies show that COVID-19 is most dangerous in the group over 60, where it causes 90% of deaths. deaths. So many statistics, and what does the practitioner, Dr. Michał Chudzik, coordinator of the “STOP-COVID” program say?

  1. If our reasoning is that as a vaccinated person I feel completely safe and let go of other elements of caring for health, then unfortunately I put myself at risk – says Dr. Chudzik
  2. The expert reminds that vaccines are not 100% effective, and whether and how we will pass COVID-19 depends mainly on our immune system
  3. At the same time, the doctor reminds that severe COVID-19 courses leading to death are few in the vaccinated, but there are
  4. I have never vaccinated against the flu, and I have been vaccinated against COVID-19. I believe that the vaccine is safe and its technology is refined – says Dr. Chudzik
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Monika Zieleniewska, MedTvoiLokony: What would you say to someone who claims that vaccines against COVID-19 are ineffective, because not only can the vaccinated people become infected, but they still die?

Dr. Michał Chudzik: The data clearly shows that there are far fewer deaths following vaccination. However, I will use the example of a person who drives a car in seat belts. Can it die as a result of an accident? Unfortunately yes. Buckled seat belts, airbag and ABS are not a XNUMX% guarantee of survival. We cannot overcome the laws of physics if the speed is too high. Or we may just be out of luck.

It is the same with health. We try our best to be careful, we vaccinate ourselves, but we still get sick and even die. On the other hand, would anyone want to buy a car without seat belts, ABS and airbags today? I don’t think so. There is no need to convince anyone that seat belts improve safety. Although we would certainly find a few cases in the world of people whose seat belt got jammed and did not get out of a burning car.

So you have to use common sense?

I once heard such a wise statement: our world is wonderfully arranged, so logical and functions so beautifully, but there is no explanation for one thing – stupidity. We have to reckon with the fact that sometimes our arguments will not be taken into account, that we waste time by persuading. I would classify vaccinations as one of the values ​​we adhere to, and human life still does not have much value in us. I don’t know why… People don’t care about their health because they don’t value their lives enough.

A few months ago we heard that vaccinated people would not become infected, let alone get sick or die.

In my opinion, the data presented to us could not be corrected. It would be too good for a vaccine to be developed that 100 percent. it will solve all problems and will operate for a minimum of two years. And let us remind you that the situation was special, because the virus has already spread. We also knew that the entire population of the globe would not be vaccinated, and even that most, for various reasons, would not be vaccinated. In addition, the coronavirus continues to mutate, as do the flu viruses. The effectiveness of flu vaccines hovers at the level of 50%, so you can see that these initial assumptions were too optimistic.

You’ve been following COVID-19 patients since the start of the pandemic. Have there been cases of infection in vaccinated people?

The first patients who came to me were January and February this year. Even then, some reported that they had been vaccinated. It was a small group of people, about 20%, and it must be strongly emphasized that COVID-19 was mild in them. Today we have no doubts that vaccination protects against the most dangerous complications – severe course combined with hospital stay and death.

  1. They don’t know they have COVID-19. The most common symptoms in the vaccinated

Was this official optimism not also due to simplifications in the description of the vaccine’s operation?

The immune system is extremely complicated, and we still know too little about how it works. In short, we can say that other systems depend on the immune system and, for example, cardiologists, rheumatologists or gastrologists always say: yes, our immunity is responsible for everything. Heart attack or diseases of the digestive system, the inflammatory factor plays a decisive role everywhere. And vaccination is only one element that mobilizes the immune system.

If our reasoning is that I feel completely safe as a vaccinated person and let go of the other elements of health care, then unfortunately I am putting myself at risk.

Let me remind you that we have two immune system responses – cellular and humoral. Humoral is responsible for the production of antibodies, thanks to the vaccine, memory cells are formed, but how they will react in the event of an infection is another matter. Will they really produce antibodies when they come into contact with a real coronavirus? In order to answer this question, there is a question of a healthy lifestyle. The starting point is always the first line of defense, the cellular one. If we smoke and the environment around us is polluted, our respiratory system is not fully functional, the cilia do not effectively produce mucus and pathogens are not thrown out, so there are more viruses in the body. Then even the antibodies produced by the vaccine may not be able to overcome them. Everywhere, especially in medicine, there are limitations and if the virus breaks both lines of defense, it will defeat us and we will get sick.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

So even those who are vaccinated cannot be 100% sure?

We are unable to provide it. This applies to both fully healthy people and people with multiple comorbidities. There will always be someone whose reaction to coronavirus infection will be excessive, a cytokine storm will be triggered and the immune system will run out of control despite vaccination.

It may also happen that, unfortunately, that person will die, although such cases are rare. There are not many of these severe COVID-19 courses, ending in death in the vaccinated, but they do happen. I have already started admitting patients from the fourth wave, and they are one hundred percent unvaccinated.

However, we do have some statistical data on vaccine effectiveness.

We have quite good data, mainly from the world. We also have many negative opinions about the method of reporting our Ministry of Health, many people are skeptical about the data published on the government website … However, countries such as the USA, Japan, Great Britain or Denmark and the Scandinavian countries have a well-organized system of public care and we know that there are 95 percent hospitalization are unvaccinated people. Similarly, 95 percent of hospitals in Europe. unvaccinated people are lying. Now let’s look at our vaccination map, where the highest percentage of unvaccinated people is in eastern Poland, and from the beginning of the fourth wave, the leader in the number of infections has been the Lublin Province (only 45% of those fully vaccinated).

  1. “I was convinced the test would be negative.” Asia fell ill despite the vaccination

How is the data on deaths?

Data from Europe say that over 95 percent. those who died were not vaccinated.

I would say that it is the greatest drama of the modern world. People who should live are dying. We have effective weapons, so simple and accessible, and we don’t use them. I don’t understand it.

Just like I can understand the concerns about vaccine reaction, vaccine complications, incidental deaths after vaccination, but nevertheless the difference in the number of unvaccinated versus vaccinated who died from COVID-19 is overwhelming.

It is a pity, because nowadays we see much more young people in hospitals. It is also a pity that the reluctance to vaccinate causes such a high percentage of additional deaths. The British Medical Journal recently published an article stating that Poland is one of the infamous leaders in the number of excess deaths from COVID-19. We have Our Country and the United States in the first place. Then there is Lithuania, Bulgaria and Poland. It can be said that democracy, giving citizens unfettered choice, does not work in a pandemic situation. It is tragic that more people in the US have died from COVID-19 than US soldiers in both world wars. In contrast, in Our Country, the number of deaths per year exceeded the number of their soldiers killed in Afghanistan for 10 years. The data is meaningful.

Unfortunately, we do not have information about the age of the deceased in Poland.

And I do not know any current Polish statistics, while in the world there is a shift towards younger people. Maybe because seniors who were burdened with comorbidities and had weaker immunity, died earlier, and remained the strongest, ie the healthiest. As a result, the mortality of the oldest is lower now … At the same time, the virus attacks younger and younger ones, including individuals with weakened immunity, chronically ill, and hence this shift.

Do you think the third dose will reduce the death rate of people vaccinated?

I spoke to a famous professor of virology who pointed out to me that all the models developed so far to describe the development of the pandemic have failed. The current peak of the disease was planned for a month from now, and things have sped up, but that’s nature. The coronavirus has brought us to earth. We are not omnipotent, nature is stronger than us, and this must be remembered.

I think we should come to terms with the idea that COVID-19 will stay with us for a long time and become one of the many diseases we get. Nor can I believe that it will disappear by itself. This is not SARS-1 or MERS, where the infections, although causing a much higher mortality, occurred in a limited area, there was no time for the virus to accelerate.

In contrast, SARS-CoV-2 has millions of people living in the world, unvaccinated Africa, and many other places where it has a place to survive and where it has a place to mutate. Also in Poland, a large percentage of the unvaccinated will make the virus survive.

Maybe we’ll manage to weaken its firepower somehow?

Vaccinations, drugs that are coming soon, will make sure there will be few severe and fatal cases, however they will be. There is no question of a zero-one system here, there is no point in deluding ourselves.

We also know that several times fewer people retain antibodies produced as a result of COVID-19 disease than those after vaccination. Additionally, the level of antibodies that patients like to have so labeled is not a determinant of immunity. It is rather a signal that they are, but a deceptive one. We should not feel resilient and neglect health concerns and measures to prevent infection. It’s not even about masks, because there are more important things – washing hands and generally keeping clean and keeping social distance. We have problems with that in Poland.

  1. See also: Vaccinated or healed – who has better resistance to COVID-19?

It follows that we will need not only the third, but also the fourth dose.

There is no doubt that it will be a permanent vaccination, but we do not know yet whether it is taken every six months or once a year. If you have to get vaccinated once a year, I will consider it a great success. Otherwise, we would have to end population mobility on a global scale. It is unrealistic, so in order to function normally, we have to get vaccinated.

The vaccine will protect us from dangerous course, hospitalization, complications and death. In Arab countries, where more than 80 percent were vaccinated. of citizens, there is a low rate of hospitalization, despite the fact that the whole world flies there on vacation.

Could combining the strength of a vaccine and a drug definitely do the job of COVID-19?

Combining vaccination with medicine should be very effective, although the problem is complex. It’s about when we take the drug, when we decide it’s covid, and that depends on the testing system. After all, you shouldn’t take the COVID-19 drug with the common flu because it has potential side effects. It’s not an aspirin you buy at checkout. We are fighting a dangerous enemy and the stronger he is, the stronger the medical means we have to use, and this carries the risk of side effects and complications.

We have cures for many things, but people still get sick. There will always be someone sick, there will be complications, long-COVID, and what the long-term effects are, we don’t know yet. We have the first data on the condition of patients a year after infection and as much as 60 percent. still reports some symptoms. One-third have brain fog.

Doctor after the third dose?

I have not been ill for 30 years and I have never vaccinated against the flu, and I was vaccinated against COVID-19. I believe that the vaccine is safe and its technology is refined. Certainly pharmaceutical companies will earn a lot from it, but it will allow them to develop technologies that will help overcome other diseases. Analyzing the potential risks and health benefits, I came to the conclusion that the latter are incomparably greater.

However, even after vaccination, I try to get enough sleep, not stress, stay physically active, eat well, keep my distance and wash my hands frequently. We must also have a positive attitude to the world and believe in the effectiveness of vaccination, our psyche is an important factor in a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Michał Chudzik

cardiologist from the Department of Cardiology, Medical University of the Hospital. Bieganski in Lodz. He conducts research on long-COVID, is the initiator of a pioneering program of coordinated care for patients after COVID-19 with the assessment of cardiovascular complications – «STOP-COVID».

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