Dementia is not only a disease of the elderly. It also affects younger people more and more often. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no effective medicine that would help to fight it. However, scientists are still working on it. Moreover, recently they managed to establish a very important link between vitamin D deficiency and the development of dementia. Get the details.

  1. Dementia is a disease that begins to affect younger and younger people
  2. Its initial symptoms include problems with memory and speaking, losing things. Over time, they increase in intensity, and finally the patient completely withdraws from normal life
  3. There is no effective cure for dementia. You can only lower the risk of its occurrence and alleviate symptoms
  4. Australian scientists have found, however, that when we maintain an adequate level of vitamin D in our body, we can significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia or stroke
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

As we age, our risk of developing dementia increases. Its first symptoms include problems with memory and speaking, losing things, difficulties in performing well-known activities. Over time, they gain strength and make it completely difficult for us to live a normal life. The patient begins to withdraw more and more, becomes dull, and his personality changes. At the end, he has difficulty getting to know loved ones and does not understand what is happening around him.

Unfortunately, there is no effective cure for dementia. Therefore, it is best if we try to prevent its development. How to do it? Australian scientists have shed new light on this issue. They managed to establish a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of developing dementia.

Vitamin D and dementia. What connects them?

Scientists have managed to establish that maintaining vitamin D at an appropriate level is able to protect our brain against cognitive deterioration, and thus against dementia.. How it’s possible? Cerebrospinal fluid relies on the pulsation of arteries that actively flush the brain to collect garbage – a mechanism known as the lymphatic system. When this system weakens, unnecessary proteins build up between the organ’s neurons, making it difficult for cells to communicate. Scientists believe that vitamin D, thanks to its neuroprotective properties, protects brain cells from such damage.

Researchers conducted a genetic analysis on data available to 294. 514 participants from UK Biobank. As a result, they were able to identify the causes of dementia and stroke.

“Indeed, in this population of Great Britain, we have observed that up to 17% of the population could have been avoided. cases of dementia, bringing vitamin D levels to the normal range, »says Professor Elina Hyppönen, senior researcher and director of the Australian Precision Health Center at UniSA. “Our study is the first to test the effect of very low vitamin D levels on the risk of dementia and stroke through robust genetic analyzes in a large population” – adds the expert.

Researchers also stress the urgent need to address vitamin D deficiency in the wider population.

Are you vitamin D deficient?

Order a mail-order vitamin D level test – check the offer at Medonet Market

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

How to check if our body is not deficient in vitamin D? It is best if we do blood tests for this. This is important because initially vitamin D deficiency does not cause any symptoms. Only then are subtle symptoms that we sometimes underestimate. Some of them are:

  1. a drop in mood
  2. constant fatigue,
  3. sleep problems.
  4. depression,
  5. dry skin,
  6. tight skin of the face,
  7. lowering immunity,
  8. excessive hair loss.

If you experience such symptoms you should consult your doctor.

Top up vitamin D deficiency

At you will find supplements with vitamin D:

  1. XeniVIT Vitamin D 2000 Xenico – 120 capsules for 19,68 PLN
  2. Vitamin D3 2000IU vegan Viridian
  3. Vitamin D3 2500 IU Solgar liquid
  4. Vitamin D3 2000 Vivoforte from 6,99 PLN

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