A day in the life of a highly sensitive person

They are incredibly emotional, tend to worry over trifles, respond with all their hearts when trouble happens to others (even if these others are fictional characters). Highly sensitive people are often reproached for over-dramatization by those around them. But what would the world do without their amazing empathy and creative thinking! The blogger described a day in the life of a highly sensitive person.

Did you recognize yourself in the description? Chances are your day goes like this…

7:00 – awakening

Highly sensitive people need a good night’s sleep much more than anyone else, so in the morning you are fighting life and death with the alarm clock, setting it forward “only five minutes” – again and again.

There are only a few minutes left for breakfast, and the planned run … Well, from next Monday – a must!

8:00 a.m. – ride on the subway

Today, there are even more passengers on the platform than usual: again, you will have to stand all the way. In a densely packed train car, you can feel the texture of someone else’s clothes, the heat from dozens of bodies, the acute smell of the cologne of the man on the right and the much less pleasant smell of the man on the left, and also this cough from the girl standing in front of you …

You dream of hiding in any vacant corner and constantly apologize, even when you are once again pushed.

9:00 – office

It’s great that you moved to a new office, where there are partitions between the tables! And how hard it was to work before, when you all sat almost shoulder to shoulder in the open space… Secretly, you dream of working from home, or even better, starting your own business. Less noise, more privacy.

9:15 – sound attack

You can’t concentrate on anything: under the windows, as luck would have it, the asphalt is being changed, and the sound of a jackhammer drives you into a frenzy. You look around: it doesn’t seem to bother anyone but you.

To calm down, put on your headphones and turn on your favorite song.

14:00 – the point in an important matter

Usually you need more time to work on any project than your colleagues: you are scrupulous and strive for the perfect result. In addition, you often procrastinate and put off solving difficult issues until later (again, because of the fear of not achieving the desired ideal).

Today is the deadline, you can’t wait any longer, and you skip lunch to double-check your presentation.

15:00 – brainstorming

You are an excellent team player and an effective thinker, which is why you are always invited to participate in the collective search for new solutions. However, at work they know that despite your intellectual productivity, you do not like to make decisions. Fortunately, this is not the case today.

15:15 – meeting with the boss

Although the manager is generally pleased with your work, he points out an error in your presentation, and you internally shrink like a ciliate shoe under a biologist’s needle.

Highly sensitive people react very sharply to criticism: one fly in the ointment can ruin a barrel of the most selective praise. Your colleagues and boss, of course, love and appreciate you, but you have been waiting for a promotion for two years and are afraid to even hint about it … Now you are ready to wait for the same amount, because you made a mistake again.

19:00 call a friend

Finally you are home. Calling a friend, you immediately notice some strange, unkind notes in his voice. Your internal radar is finely tuned to monitor other people’s emotions, and you begin to worry: what words or actions of yours could cause such a negative reaction?

You are suspicious and tend to think that if a loved one is upset or withdrawn, then the problem is with you. While you indulge in gloomy thoughts, it turns out that the football team that a friend is rooting for has lost again …

20:00 – watching a movie

By pressing “pause”, you reach for paper handkerchiefs. No, you are not crying, something just got in your eye … You are so imbued with the feelings of the characters that at the end of the film you come to your senses for a long time and lose how you would act in their place.

00:00 – insomnia

Highly sensitive people tend to indulge in self-flagellation and do not forgive themselves for the slightest mistake. Lying in bed, you go over and over in your head what exactly you did wrong today.

It is important to try to switch and remember what you did well today. Did you come to work on time? Very good. Did you compliment and cheer up a colleague? Fine! Who is good? You are well done! Don’t forget about it.

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