A cup, tampon or sanitary napkin? One is an exceptionally poor choice

Intimate hygiene products effectively help women during menstruation. There are various products available on the market for “these days”. Women can choose sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups and even special panties. Which of these options is the best? Gynecologist Dr. Małgorzata Olesiak-Andryszczak explains for MedTvoiLokona.

  1. The choice of hygiene measures during menstruation is increasing. Recently, the popularity of reusable cups has been growing
  2. When it comes to comfort, each woman has her own preferences. However, when it comes to the best option for health, it is not
  3. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of individual solutions? We ask an expert
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Women during menstruation have a lot to choose from: sanitary napkin, tampon, or maybe a menstrual cup? The youngest and at the same time more and more popular means of hygiene is the menstrual cup. Initially, it was made of rubber or caoutchouc. However, these materials turned out to be allergenic, which is why modern menstrual cups are made of silicone or thermoplastic material.

Menstrual cups – for people prone to infections

– Menstrual cups can be used by every woman, there are no obvious contraindications to their use. However, they are quite specific. Mainly due to the fact that, unlike other hygiene products, they do not absorb blood, but store it. That is why I would recommend menstrual cups to women prone to genital tract infections. In tampons or pads, even if we change them frequently, menstrual blood seeps in and is thus stored. This is why there is a potential risk of infection, explains Dr. n. med. Małgorzata Olesiak-Andryszczak, gynecologist.

The application of the cup requires practice

The specialist emphasizes that when we use menstrual cups, the blood has no chance to soak into the material from which they are made.

– When the cup is full, the contents just spill out. Then it is washed and put on again. Of course, the application of the cup requires a certain amount of practice, but it is important to choose the right hygienic agent. Only a well-chosen and properly placed cup will function efficiently. Female vaginas vary in width, length, flexibility and angle of inclination. That is why the cups are available in various sizes, so it is worth consulting the appropriate model with your gynecologist – says Dr. Olesiak-Andryszczak. Correctly selected size means that the menstrual cup should not be palpable, but properly put on, it should not move, fall out or cause discomfort.

Menstrual cup – useful tricks

Contrary to appearances, the application of the menstrual cup is easier than with tampons. Among other things, because the cup slides in much shallower.

Cup users know several techniques that facilitate the application. The most important thing is to roll up the cup:

  1. to the letter C, when the cup is folded in half in such a way that its edges form the shape of the letter C
  2. with the letter S and the punch down method, when one wall of the cup is pressed inside it so that it has the shape of a triangle

Regardless of the technique, however, the menstrual cup should spontaneously open in the vagina and suck in thanks to the negative pressure it creates. The cup should be emptied 2-4 times a day, which depends on the abundance of menstruation.

Cups and ecology

– The menstrual cup is the perfect solution for women for whom the ecological aspect is important. Because such cups are reusable, so using them we do not produce waste – says Dr. Olesiak-Andryszczak. Properly used cups can serve up to 10 years.

Do you want to try out the menstrual cup? Buy FunCup – Kinky Winky menstrual cup set in two sizes, thanks to which you can check which size is right for you.

Like menstrual cups, tampons also come in a variety of sizes, depending on the amount of bleeding you choose.

– It is a myth that tampons should not be used by women who have not yet started sexual intercourse. In virgins, tampons are perfectly applicable. However, putting them on must also be learned, although it is not a difficult activity. The frequency of changing tampons is important when using tampons – emphasizes Dr. Olesiak-Andryszczak.

Regardless of what products you use during your period, remember about proper hygiene of your intimate areas. For this purpose, order Bioherba Natural Intimate Hygiene Gel, which does not contain any chemical additives and restores the natural pH of intimate parts. We also recommend Gentle intimate cleanser with Anthyllis blueberry and marigold extract, available at a favorable price on the Medonet Market.

An alternative for active women

Unfortunately, the downside is that with a tampon, the woman cannot control the amount of bleeding. The amount of blood on the surface is not exactly visible on the tampon, as in the case of a sanitary napkin, and the woman herself has to feel when to replace the tampon with a new one. However, cups and tampons are a good alternative, especially for active women – while swimming, exercising or jogging.

On the other hand, sanitary pads are controversial, especially if we buy fragrant ones.

– They are impregnated with fragrances, which is not the healthiest for the body from a health point of view. Perfumed sanitary pads are more likely to cause allergic reactions, irritation and are actually the worst. It is important when buying to pay attention to what they are made of. If they consist mainly of cotton or other natural ingredients, for example corn starch biofilm, the risk of chafing and intimate infection is minimized. Such sanitary napkins “breathe” and are absorbent. And biodegradable, which is of great importance to women interested in ecological issues – emphasizes the gynecologist.

You can buy reusable sanitary pads on Medonet Market at favorable prices. Click and check the offer.

It is also worth knowing that the thinner the sanitary napkin, the more chemical moisture absorbers it contains. Manufacturers often whiten sanitary pads with chlorine to make them look better. And bleaching substances are not indifferent to us, as they can cause allergic reactions on the skin.

Do you want to check if the menstrual cup is the right choice for you? Test it! You can buy a menstrual cup at an attractive price in Medonet Market.

Dr Małgorzata Olesiak-Andryszczak

A graduate of the Medical Academy (today the Medical University) in Wrocław. For 20 years he has been dealing with the issues of diagnostics and therapy of the fetus, pathological pregnancy, prenatal examinations and obstetric ultrasound.

She works at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Wrocław, where she runs a pregnancy pathology department. She is also the medical director of the Sonokard-Wrocław Medical Center.

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