A crooked penis and Peyronie’s disease. Penis self-examination

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A crooked penis bends left or right, up or down. This is perfectly normal in most cases. It may simply be the result of individual anatomical features. However, if your penis has a pronounced curvature or sharply bends to one side or the other (at an angle greater than 30 degrees) – especially if penetration is impossible or an erection causes pain – go to a urologist. You may suffer from Peyronie’s disease – a scar develops around the penis.

How does the penis usually work?

The main role of the penis is to drain urine from the body and semen into the woman’s vagina. There are three tubes inside the penis. One of them is the urethra. It is empty and transports urine from the bladder through the male genitalia out. The remaining 2 tubes are called cavernous bodies. They are soft and spongy. They fill with blood to stiffen the penis during an erection. The three tubes mentioned are wrapped in a very hard, fibrous sheath known as the penile fascia.

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Crooked penis – deformation or the norm?

Some men have a penis that flexes sideways, up or down when you get an erection. In most cases, this is not a problem and shouldn’t worry you. A crooked penis is when spongy spaces in the penis expand unevenly during an erection. Most often it results from normal differences in the anatomy of the penis. Sometimes, however, an injury or Peyronie’s disease may be the cause.


If you’ve always had a slightly bent penis, don’t worry. However, if you’ve noticed that its shape has changed recently, it’s worth visiting your doctor to get it checked out. If you don’t feel any pain during an erection or sex, there is probably no cause for concern.

Penis self-examination

Many young men have no idea what a healthy penis should look like. It is not uncommon that they only discover a curvature after they have been injured. Therefore, you should regularly check what your penis looks like, e.g. while showering. If anything worries you, see a urologist.

Next time you take a shower, take the time to evaluate the size and shape of your genitals. Most likely you have a straight penis. However, if you notice a slight curve that does not cause discomfort, don’t panic. However, if the penis shape interferes with your sexual or mental life, seek help! Don’t worry, a specialist will surely find a solution.

What is Peyronie’s disease?

Plaques (segments of flat scar tissue) then form under the skin of the penis. They can cause your penis to bend excessively or cause pain when you get an erection. They can often be felt through the skin and are painful.

Symptoms usually get worse over time. If your penis tilts at an angle greater than 30 degrees or you experience painful erections or pain during sex, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. The risk of injury or fracture increases. Peyronie’s disease is more common in older men over the age of 55.


It is important to remember that a crooked penis is perfectly normal. The problem only arises when it bends too much or there is pain.

What is the treatment of Peyronie’s disease?

Occasionally, Peyronie’s disease will resolve on its own. The most common treatment methods include:

• Drug therapy: oral vitamin E; potassium aminobenzoate; tamoxifen; colchicine; carnitine.

• Injections directly into the plate: from verapamil; interferon; from collagenase.

Surgery is performed in men with severe, painful deformities of the penis. Before surgery, your doctor can check the blood flow in your penis by injecting a drug to make it stiff. He can also do an ultrasound. This way he will check what is happening in the member.

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1 Comment

  1. I have PEYRONIE disease, so that’s mean surgery most be done

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