A constant feeling of hunger

A constant feeling of hunger

Those who ate too much and often as children were teased with gluttony and a robin-bobbin-reel. But if in childhood constant meals can be explained by the needs of a growing organism, then in adults the constant feeling of hunger is caused by completely different reasons. Which ones exactly?

Constant hunger – reasons

Oddly enough, one of the main reasons for the emergence of a constant feeling of hunger is lack of sleep. Due to the insufficient number of hours for sleep, the process of producing such an important hormone as leptin is disrupted, it is he who responds in our body to appetite. Owners of persistent cravings for sweets should pay attention to this particular hormone, since its lack leads to an almost uncontrolled eating of these products.

Constant hunger can also be caused by a lack of B vitamins in the body. But it turns out that these vitamins are contained just in buns and cakes, which is why there is such an irresistible craving.

Also, some genetic disorders can be the cause of the constant feeling of hunger. For example, a gene that signals satiety to the brain could malfunction. In such a situation, the constant feeling of hunger is irresistible until this situation is corrected by doctors. Here, not only the figure, but also the state of health in particular is at risk.

Also, a constant feeling of hunger can talk about disorders in the human psyche. In particular, a constant feeling of hunger is often present in a stressful situation. This is especially familiar to girls. Also, such a violation can be a consequence of the reverse process – from stress to appeasement. For example, a long-awaited vacation, maternity leave, marriage, etc.

Don’t forget about diet syndrome, too. When you deny yourself a lot, you eat foods that you would not even think about eating in a normal situation. At such moments, the constant feeling of hunger prevails and the desire to “break loose” is so great. Most often, this feeling occurs when following a low-carb diet. If you cannot refuse such a diet, then consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible, as well as cereals.

How to deal with constant hunger?

If the constant feeling of hunger interferes with your life and you want to get rid of it, then the answer “eat” will initially be wrong, since it is necessary to consume certain foods. For example, fiber (vegetables, legumes, unrefined grains, etc.). It is also important to constantly drink water. It will also be important to change the usual dishes from which you eat to a smaller one. This will make your brain think that you are already full, since the plate, albeit small, is empty. This helps to get rid of the feeling of constant hunger.

It is also worth thinking about the very process of eating. You need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. By doing this, you make it clear to the stomach that the filling process is taking place and that it can already send a signal to the brain about its saturation.

Avoid constant snacks and distribute meals throughout the day at the same time so that the stomach gets used to a certain schedule. This is the only way to teach the body to understand that you are full, and the constant feeling of hunger will go away by itself.

A constant feeling of hunger, if you cannot cope with it with the usual methods, you must already treat it with medication. To do this, first of all, you need to seek help from a doctor; you cannot take any drugs and advertised funds on your own.

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