A computer program can detect laryngeal cancer

The DiagnoScope program enables acoustic diagnostics and diagnosis of laryngeal cancer, occurrence of singing nodules, laryngeal diseases and vocal occupational diseases. This computer application is already used by the largest specialist medical centers in Poland.

The DiagnoScope program was created by employees of DiagNova Technologies, which was established in 2008 by physicists from the Wrocław University of Technology. The company operates in the Wrocław Technology Park.

The analysis of voice samples and their comparison with the condition of the vocal folds allows for the detection of disorders such as nodules, polyps, but also neoplastic changes. These are the so-called targeted analyzes that guarantee greater effectiveness in the study. Every doctor performs this test in his office without any problems – Marcin Just from the development research department of DiagNova Technologies told PAP.

As he added, the DiagnoScope program enables acoustic diagnostics and diagnosis of laryngeal cancer, the occurrence of singing nodules, laryngeal diseases and occupational diseases of the voice, and is also adapted to a comprehensive phoniatric and laryngological examination and, apart from voice analysis, enables the recording of endoscopic images.

All you need to use our software is a computer and an ordinary endoscope camera. Thanks to this program, the doctor can not only examine the patient, but also collect and catalog full documentation of the disease, Just said.

The DiagnoScope Specialist version of the program is designed to work in small doctor’s offices, while the DiagnoScope Net version is a program to work on many positions in larger clinics, hospitals or scientific institutions.

The main activity of DiagNova Technologies is related to the development and implementation of non-invasive, innovative and cheap solutions for medical diagnostics. We are working on combining different diagnostic methods to achieve maximum diagnostic efficiency at low cost, Just said.

However, DiagnoScope is already available on the market. The cost of one version of the program, depending on the specialized advancement, is from two to 20 thousand. zloty.

The development of a program for the diagnosis of laryngeal diseases is not the only achievement of the Polish company. In December 2014, the company’s employees, together with doctors from the otolaryngology, head and neck surgery clinic of the University Teaching Hospital in Wrocław, announced a new method of detecting Alzheimer’s disease. Work on this lasted two years.

Acoustic analysis of voice and speech allows for early detection of this disease and is an effective method of monitoring its course. The test does not take more than ten minutes and consists in recording previously prepared tests, e.g. the patient first has to say one voice ten times, and then repeat the same sound as many times as needed.

Operating for 6 years in the Wrocław Technology Park, DiagNova Technologies has also implemented medical projects related to diseases such as osteoporosis and secondary caries. He wants to interest foreign markets with his offers in the near future.

We are applying for certificates that will enable us to do so. The Polish medical market, even compared to our neighbors, is very modest. And we are very competitive – summed up Eng. Marcin Just from DiagNova Technologies.

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