A comfortable life with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis
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Do you dream of a comfortable life with atopic dermatitis? Or maybe you suffer from psoriasis and cannot cope with this problem in any way? Here are some proven ways to prevent and soothe irritation for both of the aforementioned conditions.

What is atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis (AD, in Western Europe referred to as eczema) is a problem that affects more and more people in the XNUMXst century. Along with the industrial and civilization development, more and more environmental factors are produced that negatively affect our health, and also indirectly affect the condition of the skin.

Until now, scientists have not been able to clearly answer the question why this disease occurs. However, numerous studies on this disease allow us to have a more and more complete picture of its origin. Thanks to them, patients with AD can also count on access to the most modern drugs and preparations to help fight and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Generally, there is no single cause of AD. Currently, numerous studies conducted in this direction focus on the immune system and its role, genes responsible for the structure and structure of skin tissue, their mutations and the microbiome, i.e. all microorganisms, dusts, and chemicals with which a person suffering from AD comes into contact.

Who can get AD?

Atopic dermatitis has a genetic as well as environmental background. It is chronic and recurs very often. Most often, the onset of the disease appears in newborn babies between 3 and 6 months of age. The disease may accompany them for life or it may be shorter, e.g. for several months or years, in order to disappear or reappear.

An increased possibility of a child developing AD is the occurrence of the disease in one of the parents. If it is confirmed in both of them, there is a chance that the disease will appear in the offspring and is as high as 50-70%. It has been observed that children and adults diagnosed with AD often develop asthma or allergic rhinitis.

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The appearance of AD can be greatly influenced by the so-called triggering factors, e.g. airborne allergens, such as dust mites, dust, food allergens, as well as viral, bacterial and fungal infections, even teething in children. You cannot ignore food allergens (milk, eggs), hormonal factors and stress. Atopic dermatitis is therefore a disease of the entire body, which shows up on the skin.

AD symptoms

Atopic dermatitis is characterized by intense itching, local dermatitis, thickening, and dandruff. Irritations most often occur in the folds of the arms, under the knees, on the wrists, hands, and fingers. There are also cases where a larger area of ​​the skin is infected. This condition is known as erythroderma.

What is certain is that itchy and lichen-like dermatitis is caused by cytokines – with a decrease in the efficiency of the immune system, they cause damage to the skin’s protective barrier and its inflammation, which we can see with our eyes as brown-red blemishes.

Psoriasis – an incurable disease that is acceptable!

Psoriasis is an incurable skin diseasethe formation of which, despite numerous studies, is not fully known. It can be described as an immunologically mediated systemic disease. It is chronic in nature with inflammatory skin lesions that tend to peel off. Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, it is not an infectious disease!

The factors that can activate the disease process and those that affect whether the disease is mild or acute, especially in the case of type XNUMX psoriasis, include:

● medications taken,

● inadequate diet,

● stimulants, such as cigarettes and alcohol,

● previous infections, including fungal infections,


● all kinds of events causing skin damage, e.g. burns, cuts, scratches,

● UV radiation.

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Who can get psoriasis?

Psoriasis comes in various forms. It affects both women and men. It can appear at any age, and its occurrence is influenced by genetic, immunological and environmental factors. It can attack with varying degrees of strength and, in the most severe cases, cause teardrop or psoriatic arthritis, which unfortunately often leads to disability.

There are two types of psoriasis depending on when the symptoms appear.

● Type 20 psoriasis – usually appears in adolescence, i.e. around XNUMX years of age. It is often a condition that runs in the family before. It is characterized by the frequent appearance of exacerbated inflammations and their disappearance. The factor that probably activates its occurrence is past infections. It depends on the presence of one of the antigens.

● Type 60 psoriasis – usually appears around the age of XNUMX. Usually it is not family oriented and its course is relatively mild. The disease can be triggered by factors such as stimulants or medications.

Symptoms of psoriasis

A typical symptom of psoriasis vulgaris are brown-red, brown plaque skin lesions that are carried away by the silvery-white scales.. When scraped, the scales fall off and take on a shiny color and a structure of melted, thin wax. After the scales are scraped off, the lesion takes a shiny appearance with slight bleeding visible.

The lesions are most often located on the elbows and knees, but also on the torso and loins, feet and hands, nails and the scalp. They are often accompanied by itching of varying severity.

Types of psoriasis

A distinction is made on the basis of the size and occurrence of skin lesions and inflammations, their appearance, and the severity of itching. Psoriasis can be distinguished:

● ordinary,

● hairy scalp,

● exudative,

● droplet-like,

● plaque,

● articular,

● pustular.

Skin care – as a way to increase the comfort of life in the course of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis

Dermatologists agree that the most important thing in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and any eczema, in addition to medications and avoiding triggers, is proper skin care. In order to provide ourselves and our loved ones with comfort during the course of the disease, we should pay attention to our skin every day and introduce new habits. We must constantly learn how to avoid the factors that cause dry skin.

If we suffer from psoriasis or atopic dermatitis we should give up the use of soap with high PH and irritating washing agents. Frequent handwashing with hot water will not bring any relief, especially when we only have access to hard water. Chlorine in the pool can also irritate the skin. In the case of dry skin, a quick shower once a day with appropriate cosmetics is recommended. In winter, we should take special care of our skin by using appropriate creams.

Principles of effective skin care with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

If you suffer from one of these conditions, remember that not only reducing triggers such as allergens counts in treating or relieving symptoms, but also a healthy diet and mental balance. Eat nutritious meals full of vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins. Avoid highly processed foods. Keep alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking to a minimum. Try to get enough sleep and reduce stressful situations. Finally, focus on everyday skin protection – use moisturizing creams and UV protection.

Although the causes of both skin conditions are different and complex, they have one thing in common – we can alleviate them with proper skin care. It is thanks to this that it is possible to:

● healing inflammation,

● preventing the formation of new pimples,

● noticeable relief.

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Specialist daily care for skin diseases

Anyone with skin problems should start by reducing the use of popular drugstore cosmetics and detergents. Find out how you can help yourself to alleviate psoriasis and AD.

1. Pay attention to the soap. It is a cosmetic essential in everyday personal hygiene, therefore it should be 100% free of ordinary washing substances that irritate the skin. A new product on the market is the black African soap – it lightens discolorations, supports the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, and has a simple, 100% natural composition. By choosing this cosmetic, we will not only prevent further irritation, but also heal existing symptoms.

2. Shorten the bath time. When skin changes are visible, bathing should not be long. Therefore, when we choose to take a bath in a bathtub, we must not forget to include emollients. Choose cleansers in the form of gels that fight microbes that cause inflammation.

3. Take care of your hands. For everyday hand care, especially in the autumn and winter period, when the disease is very often exacerbated, we should only use protective hand cream.. Due to the fact that blemishes very often appear on the hands, care should be taken to moisturize the skin in this area. Unfortunately, it is particularly exposed to contact with various enhancing factors. Ordinary cosmetics cause a burning sensation and irritate the inflamed skin. Choosing the right product will not only protect against such an effect, but also relieve itching. Hand cream made of natural ingredients will surely bring relief and properly protect the skin.

4. Remember to protect your children. Atopic dermatitis most often occurs in babies. Only the selection of real, natural cosmetics will bring your child relief and a good night’s sleep. For this purpose, special series of cosmetics are created dedicated to the care of the skin of children with AD. These cosmetics not only help soothe symptoms, but also deeply moisturize the skin for immediate relief. In addition, they are perfect for fighting cradle cap – they reduce the formation of sebum, as well as soften the epidermis, making it easier to comb and remove.

Skin diseases with itching, inflammation and peeling require special care. By replacing ordinary washing and hygiene products with those with specialized purposes, we can quickly bring relief to ourselves and our loved ones. Avoid artificial substances and factors that aggravate the disease. We should always take care of our skin, even when the disease is in remission. Thanks to proper care and changing everyday habits, life with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis will certainly be much more comfortable.

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