A child who had not been admitted to the ward earlier, because there were no places, died

A six-month-old boy died during resuscitation. Earlier, he was refused help in the hospital in Kutno.

The woman called a doctor for a home visit to the six-month-old baby on Monday, February 9. He suspected that the child had pneumonia, so he wrote out a referral to the hospital. However, the hospital in Kutno refused help because there were no places available. The doctor wrote the prescription for the child and sent them home, stating that the boy could be treated at home. However, the next day the child’s condition worsened and the child stopped breathing. Resuscitation was necessary. First, the boy was helped by his mother, then by rescuers. Unfortunately, the child died.

The case is investigated by the prosecutor’s office, which will check whether there was any manslaughter.

This is not the first situation of this type in the hospital in Kutno. At the beginning of February, the National Health Fund punished the hospital with a penalty of PLN 25. zloty. The fund pointed out errors in medical documentation and the lack of access to an ultrasound scan – reports tvn24.pl. The inspection began after the employees of the hospital. Maria Konopnicka in Łódź, complained that the child died due to a mistake of the employees of the hospital in Kutno.

The baby was born prematurely after 34 weeks of pregnancy. He died on November 1 last year in the hospital. Maria Konopnicka in Łódź, at the age of six weeks. First, the child was treated for a week in a hospital in Kutno, then the doctors sent him home. Then, with sepsis, the 6-week-old Wiktor was transported to the facility in Łódź. According to the medical director of the hospital Konopnicka in Łódź, Dr. Zbigniew Jankowski, the child should be thoroughly diagnosed in the hospital in Kutno. In the hospital in Łódź, the doctors could do little. – Doctors took up a heroic fight, but in advance it was doomed to failure, the child died – said Dr. Zbigniew Jankowski.

Therefore, the hospital in Łódź applied to the prosecutor’s office to clarify the case whether the doctors from Kutno had made a mistake. An autopsy showed that the child had extensive inflammation of the abdominal organs, but did not confirm the cause of death.

Will the hospital also receive a penalty from the National Health Fund this time?

Based on: Dziennik Łódzki

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