A child’s cough: how to calm down. Video

A child’s cough: how to calm down. Video

Coughing in children is one of the most common symptoms of colds. Dry or wet, it is troublesome and can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis. You can calm the cough and improve the well-being of the child with both folk and medication.

How to relieve an excruciating dry cough

A cough in which mucus does not separate from the bronchi is called dry, or unproductive. Strengthening at night, it can not only complicate breathing, but also turn into a real attack of false croup. At the same time, the child feels a lack of air, turns blue and may even lose consciousness. In severe cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital with antibiotics, for example, “Cefazolin”, softening inhalations and antihistamines. The dose of medication is selected individually depending on the weight, age and condition of the baby.

Although these attacks are very frightening for parents, you can learn to stop them at the very beginning. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room by opening the window and turn on the air humidifier. Then you can do inhalation based on soda solution or mineral water. In the absence of an inhaler, a soothing cough procedure can be carried out in the bathroom: for this you will need to turn on hot water so that the air becomes humid, and let the child breathe it. The same simple manipulation allows you to weaken a strong cough with tracheitis.

If an attack of false croup increases, despite inhalation, the child’s breathing becomes difficult and wheezing appears, it is necessary to stop self-medication and immediately call an ambulance

You can also calm a dry cough with the help of folk remedies. Badger fat has a good effect, which can be taken both orally and for rubbing the chest. Another soothing night cough remedy can be prepared by adding a couple of drops of aloe juice to a dessert spoon of honey. Such “medicine” can be taken by children over a year old, provided that there is no allergy to bee products.

How to relieve a wet cough

A wet cough is accompanied by sputum discharge and is called a productive cough. It is not as painful for a child as a dry cough, but it still requires close observation and competent treatment.

You can speed up the excretion of sputum and relieve an attack of a wet cough by inviting the child to drink a glass of hot milk with two teaspoons of honey. The child’s body usually responds quickly to this remedy – the cough calms down literally in a matter of minutes.

To relieve a child’s wet cough, apply a warm, wet cloth to the chest or make a warming compress of warm mashed potatoes. After the procedure, the baby should be given a light back massage so that the mucus accumulated in the bronchi comes out.

You can calm a child’s cough with the help of medicinal herbs, such as:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • leaves of coltsfoot;
  • flowers of calendula.

The listed herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy or stock up on them in advance from the summer. An infusion made from a mixture of all these plants has a good effect. After chopping the herbs and mixing them in equal proportions, pour two tablespoons of this collection with a liter of boiling water. When the liquid acquires a pleasant golden color, you will need to strain it and give it to the crumbs. During the day, you will need to drink the entire infusion in small portions.

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