A child has diarrhea without fever: causes of loose stools and what to do
Diarrhea without fever in a child is not a harmless problem. The kid needs to be shown to the doctor so that he can prescribe effective treatment.
If diarrhea is not accompanied by a fever, this may indicate a digestive upset. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of diarrhea and loose stools. In the latter case, these are infrequent bowel movements that do not cause abdominal pain and do not cause discomfort to the baby.
A blood test will help determine the cause of diarrhea without fever in a child.
Loose stools appear in such cases:
- Overeating, excessive consumption of milk or juice. Diarrhea in this case will be short-lived, it should go away on its own without the use of medications.
- Allergy to food. An allergic reaction can be accompanied not only by itching, but also by diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting.
- Unbalanced diet. If the parents give the baby “junk” food, for example, fried or fatty foods, then diarrhea may begin without fever.
- Lack of digestive enzymes. This problem is typical for children in the first 2 years of life. Due to the immaturity of the enzyme system, the gastrointestinal tract does not always cope with the digestion of certain foods. The crumbs will not have a temperature, but the feces will become liquid and foamy. In babies under one year old, lactase deficiency is often found, when the body cannot cope with the absorption of lactose.
- Introduction of complementary foods. Infants have not yet matured gastrointestinal tract, so the digestive system may not be able to cope with the digestion of new foods in large quantities. If the disorder arose after the introduction of complementary foods, it is worth giving up this food for a while.
- Reaction to medications. Diarrhea is a side effect of antibiotics and other medications.
- Intestinal dysbiosis. In this condition, diarrhea may alternate with constipation. In addition to these symptoms, allergies often appear, the baby is worried about abdominal pain.
Diarrhea is a bowel movement more than 5 times a day, which can be accompanied by abdominal pain. It can appear when poisoning, eating expired foods, unwashed or unripe fruits. Diarrhea is also caused by bacteria.
What to do with diarrhea without fever
It is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby so that there is no deterioration. With frequent bowel movements, do not allow dehydration. Solder your child with saline solutions purchased at the pharmacy or prepared at home. Give liquid in small doses, 1-2 tsp. every 10 min.
Treatment of diarrhea without fever in a child should begin with a diet.
If the baby is breastfed, it is impossible to transfer it to artificial feeding. Changing food, on the contrary, will cause a deterioration in well-being. Mom needs to go on a diet.
Follow these recommendations:
- give the child enterosorbents to remove toxins from the body;
- the baby must adhere to a diet, it is necessary to exclude dairy products, sweets, fatty and fried foods, it is useful to drink rice water;
- only steam or cook food for the child;
- if diarrhea persists, you need to drink antibiotics;
- to normalize the intestinal microflora, give drugs with bifidobacteria.
If diarrhea lasts more than 2-3 days, then we are talking about chronic diarrhea. It is difficult to cope with such a condition without the help of a doctor.
Diarrhea in children can occur with stress. If the attack of diarrhea is preceded by the same situation, for example, going to kindergarten, then you should visit a neurologist.
Diarrhea without fever can occur against the background of an intestinal infection, but then the temperature indicators will certainly increase on the second day. If the stool of the child is foamy, with mucus or blood streaks, then go to the hospital.
Whatever the cause of the violations, only a pediatrician should diagnose and prescribe treatment.