A child at 8 months has no teeth: how many should be, reasons for what to do
If a child still has no teeth at 8 months, it is not fatal. There are such deviations from the norm. Parents can help their baby in this situation.
How many teeth should there be
According to the generally accepted scheme, the lower central incisors should grow in a child up to 8 months old. For 8 and 9 months, the upper central incisors are added to them. Up to one year old, children usually have time to grow also the upper and lower lateral incisors.
A baby at 8 months old has no teeth – this is a fairly common occurrence.
As for all milk teeth, they usually grow by 2,5-3 years. However, there are exceptions when the teeth appear earlier or later.
This is why teeth may take their time to appear:
- Breast-feeding. In children who feed exclusively on mother’s milk, teeth appear a little later than in those who are supplemented with artificial mixtures. The thing is that there are more minerals in artificial mixtures.
- Consequences of the postponed illness. Most often these are long-term problems with the intestines and impaired metabolism.
- Problems in a woman during pregnancy, diseases suffered during pregnancy. This can lead to the fact that some of the teeth in the child will not appear.
- Incorrect position of the teeth in the gums.
- Congenital adentia. Lack of tooth buds. It happens most often due to a genetic predisposition.
Remember that adentia is extremely rare. Most likely, in your case, the problem is caused by something more harmless.
First of all, you need to show your baby to a pediatric dentist. He will take an X-ray of the jaw to check if there are any tooth buds. If everything is in order, then sooner or later the teeth will definitely appear. You can speed up their appearance in the following ways:
- Buy a ring stimulant. It will speed up teething and reduce discomfort when this process begins.
- Ask your doctor to show you a special gentle gum massage. It is done with your finger or a coffee spoon.
- After 6 months, gradually introduce supplementary foods rich in vitamins into the diet. It can be vegetable purees and juices, according to age. Before the teeth appear, solid complementary foods should not be introduced.
Don’t believe the common myth that missing teeth at 10-11 months is a sign of developmental delays. Scientists have proven that this is not true.
There is no need to panic and compare your child with others. All children are individual, so that some have teeth earlier, and some later.
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