A child at 7 months sleeps poorly at night: advice from a pediatrician, wakes up crying
Newborn babies often confuse day and night, but soon they enter the regimen and the problem disappears. But it also happens that the baby grows up, but it is not possible to establish a healthy and restful sleep. If at 7 months old the child does not sleep well at night, this situation needs to be corrected. Disruption of night sleep not only prevents parents from getting enough sleep, but most importantly, it harms the health of the child.
Seven Reasons for Poor Baby Sleep
This is a very common occurrence when a child wakes up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep. The waking period can last 2-3 hours. At this time, he plays with his mother or with toys. If he has learned to crawl, sit down or stand up, he can practice and improve this skill.
Often a child at 7 months old does not sleep well at night due to teething
Why this happens at night is easy to explain:
- Prolonged sleep during the day. Exceeding the norm threatens with such “festivities” in the middle of the night – the child just feels rested and does not want to sleep.
- Overexcitement. Active games with the baby in the evening will not allow him to relax, calm down, and will lead to poor falling asleep, a restless night.
- Violation of the regime. Going to bed too late also leads to overexcitement, overwork, and as a result, poor sleep.
- Light source. Your baby is no longer a newborn, and a night light or lamp left overnight may interfere with restful sleep.
- Does not fall asleep by itself. If he can only fall asleep in the arms of his mother, during motion sickness or when feeding, waking up at night he will want the same ritual in order to fall asleep.
- There is no clear mode. If he sleeps at different times every day, this results in poor night sleep and periods of being awake.
- Feels uncomfortable. Uncomfortable clothes, uneven bed, hot or cold, thirst, pain when teething.
Try to remedy the situation if at least one of the reasons occurs in your case. You may be able to establish a restful sleep for the whole family.
Take the following steps:
- Do not let your child sleep for more than 2 hours continuously during the day. Ask any pediatrician for advice – he will confirm.
- Get ready for bed in advance: dim the lights, turn on calm, quiet music, soothe with a light stroking massage.
- Lay no later than 21.00.
- Try to sleep without light.
- Gently teach yourself to fall asleep in your crib.
- Train yourself to sleep at the same time.
- Provide comfortable conditions – pajamas without thick seams, no folds on the bed, room temperature 21-23 degrees, fresh air.
Do not forget to undergo examinations with doctors of different specialties on time. If your child is healthy but still can’t sleep well at night, follow these tips.