A child at 2 months does not sleep all day: cries, does not want, why and what to do
Healthy eating and proper sleep are key ingredients for the successful growth and development of a baby. However, it is not always clear what to do if the baby refuses to sleep during the day. It is important to find the root cause of this problem.
Why is it important for your child to sleep during the day?
For normal development, a child at 2 months needs to sleep 15-16 hours a day. In this case, the night sleep should last from 8 to 10 hours, and the daytime – 5-6 hours.
If a baby does not sleep during the day at 2 months, this is a cause for concern.
Please note that the waking time should be no more than 1 hour 15 minutes in a row. During this time, you need to have time to feed and, if necessary, bathe the child, give him time to play, prepare him for bed and rock him. Remember that lack of sleep interferes with the active development of the brain, which occurs in the second month of life. The baby’s nervous system suffers, and this can cause problems in his development.
Because of what the child does not want to sleep
Here are the main reasons why the baby does not fall asleep during the day, despite all the efforts of the mother:
- Teeth are being cut. This is a rather painful process that prevents him from falling asleep. Ask your pediatrician to prescribe a gel or ointment for you to relieve pain.
- Too little time has passed from feeding to bed. Together with milk during sucking, the baby swallows air. He needs to be allowed to come out. If this is not done, the baby will be tormented by gases.
- The biological clock has not formed. In this situation, the child confuses day with night, his sleep is disturbed.
- The child is uncomfortable. He may be hot or cold.
- The room is too small. Be sure to hang blackout curtains in the nursery.
- The kid is thirsty. This happens especially often during the hot season.
- Loud extraneous sounds interfere. Teach the family to be quiet during the baby’s sleep hours, turn off the music and TV at this time.
- There is no sleep mode. The child does not sleep all day, because he is not used to falling asleep at the same time.
Eliminate the cause of the problem, and then it will be easier for you to lay the crumbs.
What to do to help your baby fall asleep
In a child, just like in an adult, sleep is deep and superficial. At the stage of superficial sleep, any little thing can wake up. If you are used to rocking the baby in your arms, wait until it enters the deep sleep phase, and only then transfer it to the crib or stroller.
Often, children aged 2-6 months rest no more than 20-40 minutes in a row during the day, after which they wake up and start crying. This is not enough time for rest, so it is important to adjust your sleep and wakefulness patterns.
It is important that the mother is calm when she puts the baby to bed. If she is nervous, the baby feels it and falls asleep more difficult.
The situation in the room where the baby is resting should be calm, without extraneous noise and bright light.
Now you know how to behave if the baby begins to be capricious and refuses to sleep. If, despite your best efforts, the problem persists, contact your pediatrician.