A chic workout playlist from the singer Sofi Maeda
Energetic tracks for fitness or running. Download it to your phone or listen to it on VK.
Summer is in full swing, the self-isolation regime has been lifted, and shopping centers are reopening their doors to visitors. And how you want to go shopping, try on all the summer collections and go for a walk around the city! But many of us, having sat in quarantine, managed to gain extra pounds and lose their former shape. It’s time to pull yourself together and start exercising – at home or outdoors, as you like.
Japanese singer Sofi Maeda has made a playlist especially for your sports activities, turn on and burn calories!
Energetic and positive cycling and morning jogging tracks
Dynamic music for aerobic exercise: sudden movements, jumps, strength training
Calming and light music suitable for night walks, yoga and meditation
Источник фото: Karan Kapoor / The Image Bank / Getty images; Hello Lovely / DigitalVision / Getty images; Kathrin Ziegler / DigitalVision / Getty images