The problem of chronic fatigue and lack of energy could not but affect cosmetics. Every second novelty for skin care promises to replenish vital resources and activate cell activity. What makes them successful?
If the word of the year was chosen in the cosmetics industry, it would be “energy”. The lion’s share of all new products is tuned to it. And not only in care, but also in makeup and perfumery. Aromas with dynamic names My Way, Armani; Voce Viva, Valentino; Match Point, Lancaster; Météore, Louis Vuitton, urge us to actively seek our path in life, speak out loud, win and fly like a meteor.
Even such a perfume luminary as J’Adore is coming out this autumn in the version of J’Adore Infinissime, which promises us endless vitality. Makeup, in turn, promotes the brightest and juiciest shades, designed to charge us with vivacity and neutralize the boring dullness of off-season everyday life.
But most actively the word “energy” began to be used in the description of skin care products. Their creators promise to fill our cells with it, activate its production and direct it in the right direction. And also to restore structures that are “tired” of excessive energy production. To do this, each brand uses its own developments and exclusive ingredients. But why did the global beauty industry decide to make such an “energetic” turn?
When creating us, nature did not foresee the conditions in which modern humanity would live.
On the one hand, the reason is psychological. Now, when the whole world is in a state of apathy and confusion, everyone needs energy. And attempts to get an additional portion of it – it does not matter, through care, meditation, proper nutrition, fitness, aroma, mood, visualization – are accepted with gratitude. “I used to take stress and fatigue for granted,” says Daria, the office manager. – And I thought that you can only overcome them with sleep and vacation. But during the quarantine, I studied meditative practices, stretching, anti-stress meditation. I applied these methods and saw results.
Further – more, I changed my diet, abandoning ballast food combinations. I started practicing intermittent fasting. And I felt an unprecedented surge of strength. Now I even look for skin care with an eye on energy for cells, especially since most brands offer just such products. ” And Daria is not alone in rethinking everyday life. Getting the maximum resources for life in order to enjoy it to the fullest is the motto of the active generation of 2020.
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Not only moral aspects prompted brands to release a whole cohort of energy products. The main reason was still scientific achievements. Namely, the discovery of the process of autophagy. Having proved that cells can independently get rid of their spent structures, the Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi received the Nobel Prize. And specialists from cosmetology thought about how to help the skin in self-cleansing. Indeed, for the full removal of toxins and recovery, she needs a boost of strength, which is far from always enough.
Each of the brands went to solve this problem in its own way. For example, Dior has strengthened the composition of the Capture Totale line with three additional extracts, selecting them from 1667 phytoapplicants. Each of these botanical extracts – peony, jasmine and rose – has booster properties in relation to skin stem cells, the productivity of which they increase significantly. Together with the time-tested extract of Longoza, a proprietary component of this line, a kind of doping complex was obtained, which is reflected in the new name Capture Totale Cell Energy.
The result of autophagy research in Sisley laboratories was a complex of seven plant components that restores and activates the work of mitochondria, the energy batteries of cells. It is part of the new Sisleÿa La Cure, a four-bottle course that promises to completely “reboot” the skin’s resources in less than a month and teach its structures to work to their maximum potential. The new Future Solution LX cream, Legendary Enmei, also cooperates with mitochondria. One of its many ingredients is Energy Infusing Technology, a special camellia seed ingredient that controls these structures.
Not only genes
Estée Lauder’s new fifth version of Estée Lauder’s iconic Advanced Night Repair Serum is enhanced with the latest in epigenetics, which studies the activity of our genes and the conditions in which they trigger certain scenarios. The brand’s laboratories created the Chronolux™ Power Signal complex. It includes yeast extract, peptides and plant extracts. This system accelerates the natural regeneration of the skin by 43%, synchronizes the processes of its energy exchange, stimulates the production of collagen and controls the processes of cell self-purification from waste material – the same autophagy.
And the main character of Red Pepper range, Erborian, is red pepper. The extract of its pulp, from which all burning elements have been removed, increases energy production in skin cells by five times, enhancing its self-defense and improving complexion. By the way, the deterioration of the overall skin tone is the first indicator of a decline in strength and defective autophagy. If you notice that your face becomes duller and loses its freshness day by day, urgently include doping products in your beauty menu. After all, it is worth shrugging off this problem, and collagen and other structures responsible for youth will begin to break down in the skin.
Stress won’t go away
The second group of brands approached the topic of energy from a different angle. Their latest generation products should neutralize the effects of skin stress due to enormous energy costs. After all, nature, when creating us, did not foresee the conditions in which modern humanity would live. And the fight against a lot of aggressive factors that we receive from the outside and from the inside was not included in the register of cell capabilities. Therefore, even with modern energy boosters in the form of creams, dietary supplements, proper nutrition and meditation, they still work to the limit. So, they need proper rest and natural recharge of batteries.
To help the skin recover, Guerlain experts included black bee honey extract from the island of Ouessant and exclusive royal jelly in the Abeille Royale anti-aging range. Working in pairs, they give the cells the trace elements necessary for a comfortable recovery. And the new night cream Créme De Nuit, Le Lift, Chanel, aims to help the skin “heal wounds” after daytime ups and downs. Indeed, by the evening the activity of metabolic processes in it should increase by about 25 times. And if the amount of stress per day has exceeded a critical level, which is normal for many, this increase in efficiency will not happen.
At Créme De Nuit, Le Lift, the Neuractive Night complex, consisting of Silver Needle tea extract and marine extracts, is working on the situation. It helps regulate the production of neurotrophic factors NGF. Their number rises during moments of nervous tension, provoking internal inflammation of the skin, destruction of fibers and problems with tone. And in combination with the iconic element of the gamma – alfalfa extract, whose action is comparable to retinol, only more harmless, this component helps to direct the energy of skin cells into the right, rejuvenating channel.
Thus, for the ideal energy balance of the skin, it is necessary to alternate both types of these products, which rightly belong to the category of all-age and all-season.