A characteristic symptom of Omicron. “Nobody knows why this is so”
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Omicron is still a mystery to researchers. The new variant of the coronavirus is highly infectious, even two or three times greater than Delta, previously considered the fastest spreading SARS-CoV-2 strain. At the same time, it appears to be less virulent than previous mutations, producing mild symptoms in most cases. Their image – together with the data coming from the countries in which it is present – is slowly crystallizing.

  1. Experts’ observations so far show that Omikron behaves differently than previous variants of the coronavirus
  2. Attention is drawn, among others signs of infection with a new strain
  3. They include ailments that either did not appear before or were not as severe and frequent as before
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Expert: This Omicron symptom is very distinctive and no one knows why

The latest information on the symptoms of Omikron was provided by the British COVID-19 advisor, Prof. John Bell of the University of Oxford. During the broadcast on Radio 4’s Today, he said that the data from South Africa (in South Africa, the new variant is already the dominant strain detected in the tested samples) and the British application ZOE Covid shows that The omicron behaves differently than the previous variants. Patients present a set of characteristic symptoms which in the case of the Alpha and Delta mutations were neither the most common nor the most severe.

  1. See also: Omikron attacks the vaccinated. An epidemiology professor reveals what the symptoms are

– It seems that symptoms of Omikron are mainly stuffy nose, sore throat and muscle aches, especially around the back. It’s very characteristic and no one knows why. Apart from that patients complain of intestinal discomfort – He said.

A slightly different picture of the symptoms of infection with this variant was recently presented by the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Its experts said that the observations so far of patients with a new variant of the coronavirus show that they most often complain of cough and runny nose.

In turn, Dr. Unben Pillay, a family doctor with an individual practice in Johannesburg (South Africa), reported that patients also come to him with an unusual symptom of infection – night sweating. The rest of the ailments are similar to those of the Americans and the British. It is mainly: a dry cough, fever, fatigue and severe pain throughout the body.

  1. See also: New research: Omicron spreads rapidly but may not be as virulent as expected

The rest of the text is below the video.

The most common symptoms of Omikron infection

So what symptoms should raise our vigilance, because they may be an infection with Omicron?

  1. stuffy / runny nose
  2. cough,
  3. Headache,
  4. muscle pain,
  5. back pain
  6. slightly elevated body temperature,
  7. severe fatigue / weakness,
  8. gastrointestinal complaints,
  9. night sweats.

Research on the nature of the new variant of SARS-CoV-2 is still ongoing, so experts warn not to underestimate any symptoms of infection, and in case of worse well-being, limit social contacts and monitor your body.

  1. See also: Symptoms of Omicron in children can be atypical

Omikron is already in Poland

An omicron was first detected in a sample collected on November 9 in Botswana. Within a few days, the variant also appeared in South Africa, Israel and Japan, and after about two weeks it was already in Europe.

On Tuesday in Geneva, the Secretary General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that Omikron is now officially in 77 countries around the world (this is how many reported this fact to WHO). As he added, However, it has most likely reached almost every country, but has yet to be detected. This strain is the fastest spreading coronavirus strain we’ve seen so far.

Today, the Polish Ministry of Health announced that the variant has already been detected in Poland. The sample in which it was present was tested at the WSSE Katowice. It came from a 30-year-old citizen of Lesotho, who came to Poland for the UN Digital Summit. The patient was referred to an isolation room and she is fine. Two other delegation members from the African country were also found to have infections, but a different variant of the coronavirus was present in their samples.

  1. Also read: Why has there been no Omikron in Poland so far?

Protect yourself against coronavirus infection. Keep your distance, disinfect your hands, cover your mouth and nose. You can buy a set of FFP2 filtering masks at an attractive price at medonetmarket.pl

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Protection against Omicrons. Two doses may not be enough, but a booster is. How it’s possible?
  2. Omicron – what are the symptoms compared to previous mutations?
  3. How effective will individual companies’ vaccines be against Omikron?
  4. Most contagious viruses ever. Can Omikron pierce them?

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