To say that these animals have muzzles simply does not turn his tongue.
Maine Coon kitten was born in the Moscow cattery Catsvill County. For its breed, it is quite an ordinary cat, more precisely, a kitty, excellent pedigree, healthy, handsome and fluffy. He, like his other brothers, was expecting an imminent relocation to the family – quiet and calm. But no. The owner of the cattery Tatyana Rastorgueva posted a video on Instagram, in which she was the main character – the Valkyrie kitty. And the kitten woke up famous. He not only drew applause on the network, he was written about in the press, he is admired by the foreign media. In general, advertising that you can only dream of, and even for nothing.
It’s all about the kitten’s face. Painfully it looks like a human. Take a look for yourself.
Memes like “Vasily, why did you get into the cat” and “Guys, save me, I was stuck in the body of the cat” immediately began to multiply in social networks. And then many were overtaken by the feeling of déjà vu. We’ve already seen such memes somewhere! We remembered: the Valkyrie cat has a “colleague” among the four-legged. This is a Shih Tzu dog named Yogi. An unusual structure of the muzzle, that is, sorry, faces, a completely human shape of the eyes and even a slight smile on the lips. Everything is like people! At first, social networks did not even believe that these were real photos – they thought that it was someone playing with Photoshop or with a program that swaps faces in a picture.
“Yes, this is Nicolas Cage, who was dressed up as an Ewok!” – it dawned on someone.
So this meme was born – about Vasily, who was stuck in the body of a dog. However, God bless him, with the meme. Look better at the photos – if they don’t make you smile, then nothing will!