A campaign on pregnancy is launched. It is a mine of reliable information

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body becomes home to the developing fetus. The condition of the future mother’s body largely determines how the baby will develop. That is why it is so important, among others supplementation, but also regular tests. What should i be aware of during pregnancy? You can find out in the “Pregnancy and Responsible Parenting” campaign.

  1. As part of the campaign, Polish experts provided substantive support on the most important topics related to healthy pregnancy and responsible parenthood
  2. The list of important issues includes, among others pregnancy tests or conception in women with multiple sclerosis
  3. Below we present the most important assumptions of the campaign
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Another edition of the “Pregnancy and Responsible Parenting” campaign has started, which is a reliable source of knowledge for all parents and couples who want to become Parents. The highly educational message was ensured thanks to the support of eminent authorities.

The campaign is supported by Maja Hyży, a singer and mother of three, who will soon experience motherhood for the fourth time.

In the introductory article, Prof. Tadeusz Issat introduces the essence of laboratory diagnostics at an early stage of pregnancy. Dr. Anna Zimny-Zając presents the results of the Polish National Health Test 2022.

Campaign Supported Areas

Whooping cough – only vaccinations give protection

Timely vaccinations of infants and vaccinations of pregnant women are most important in the prevention of whooping cough, in every pregnancy. Thanks to this, the mother will pass on immunity to the unborn child. Later, parents should follow the vaccination schedule in force in Poland.

Substantive support in this topic was provided by:

Prof. dr. n. med. I will be Szenborn, head of the Department and Clinic of Paediatrics and Infectious Diseases at the Medical University and University Teaching Hospital in Wrocław.

Iron anemia must be treated

Untreated maternal iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy is a significant factor that increases the risk of developing abnormalities in the development of the fetus. It is extremely important for future mothers to take care of the correct level of iron during pregnancy and to replenish its deficiencies, using well-absorbed drugs.

Substantive support in this topic was provided by:

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Sieroszewski, president of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians.

Preconceptual tests – knowledge about the health of the child

More and more couples planning to offspring are opting for genetic preconception testing. What are they for? How do future parents benefit from them?

Substantive support in this topic was provided by:

Dr hab. n. med. Aleksandra Jezela-Stanek, clinical geneticist.

Supplementation in pregnancy

The proper level of vitamins and microelements in the body of a pregnant woman determines the proper development at the stage of fetal life and after the birth of a child.

Substantive support in this topic was provided by:

Grzegorz Południewski, MD, PhD, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, member of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, the Polish Society of Reproductive Medicine and the European Society of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology.

Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy

Unfortunately, research results indicate that a significant number of women with multiple sclerosis (MS) either gave up motherhood altogether, or postponed the decision to motherhood until later.

Substantive support in this topic was provided by:

Malina Wieczorek, founder of the «SM Foundation – Fight for yourself!».

Prenatal testing

Every day in Poland 10 children are born with congenital heart disease (WWS), which occurs around the 3rd week of the 8th gestational age. In 15 percent In addition to the heart defect, the baby will have another birth defect in addition to the heart defect. Why is it worth doing prenatal testing?

Substantive support in this topic was provided by:

Katarzyna Parafianowicz, president of the Children’s Heart Foundation

The editorial office recommends reading all articles that are part of the “Pregnancy and Responsible Parenting” campaign, available on the portal www.pacjentilekarz.pl.

You’re pregnant? Perform a pregnancy blood test package available from Medonet Market.

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