A calcium-rich diet reduces the risk of kidney stones

Consuming a large amount of calcium-rich foods, not only dairy, reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by about 20%. – scientists confirm. Their conclusions are published in the Journal of Urology.

Although the deposits formed in the kidneys are made of calcium oxalate, we should not be afraid of consuming this element in food. The main culprits are oxalates, which are found in a wide variety of plant-based foods. The presence of calcium in the digestive tract reduces their absorption, says Dr. Eric Taylor Maine Medical Center in Portland.

The researchers analyzed data from three studies involving a total of over a million people who regularly completed diet questionnaires. The participants were divided into five groups depending on the calcium content in their daily diet.

Looking only at dairy products, the researchers found that people who consumed the least amount of calcium (around 150 mg per day) had a 30 percent risk of developing kidney stones. higher than in the group consuming the most – from 800 to 900 mg per day.

When non-dairy products (such as kale and herring) were included, the subjects who consumed 250 mg of calcium per day were twice as likely to develop kidney stones as participants who consumed 450 mg per day. (PAP)

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