A bug bite

Bite of the fin bug

A bug bite

The swimming beetle is a common inhabitant of fresh water bodies with a large amount of vegetation and other living creatures. Therefore, anyone who is close to such water sources can meet him. Of the features of the swimming beetle, one can distinguish its rather large size (about 3-5 cm), a convex surface and an oval shape, and the presence of solid wings. It spends its main life cycle in water. Sometimes it can be seen on land near the reservoir. Diving beetle bites are more common in water.

Even memories of being bitten by a swimming beetle cause fear in people who have been attacked by it. The moment of the bite is felt as a sharp sudden pain. It persists even after the cessation of direct contact with the beetle. The bite resembles a skin puncture with a sharp object with localization of pain in only one place. After some time, skin edema appears with infiltration of surrounding tissues. If there is a parallel infection, redness of the skin occurs. Very often, the consequence of the bite of a swimming beetle is the formation of painful bumps, which dissolve after 2-3 weeks. If the elementary rules for treating wounds are neglected, suppuration of the bitten place may occur. Danger to life, allergic and toxic reactions do not occur.

Bite of the shearer beetle

The snow beetle is an insect that lives on land. It has hard wings, due to which it moves through the air. Its appearance is quite characteristic and corresponds to the name of this insect. The average size is 2,5-3 cm. The beetle is black in color and has a long mustache. Its approach during flight is manifested by a characteristic crackling and buzzing. The snow beetle feeds exclusively on plant young shoots. It bites a person extremely rarely, although contact with him happens repeatedly.

These beetles very often purposefully fall on the head of a person during the flight. In this case, the beetle flies into the hair, entangled in them. The strigunets beetle can bite a person only when it is directly removed from the hair. Such bites are absolutely safe and, in addition to short-term pain, do not cause anything. Wounds after them are superficial and heal on their own. So, you should not be afraid of these bugs, succumbing to negative emotions and panic.

bug beetle

The blister beetle is referred to as a kind of assistant to farmers and agricultural workers. This is due to its features and abilities to destroy various plant pests. First of all, it is a fighter with locusts and other representatives of orthoptera. Sometimes the blister beetle itself can damage plants. This insect lives in countries with a dry hot climate. It looks quite bright, as it has a red color. The size is small, the body is quite fragile and easily vulnerable. This is the basis of the danger of the blister beetle for humans.

The burrow beetle got its name for a reason. It never bites a person. The body of the insect contains a toxic substance called contharidin. The toxin gets on the skin when a person tries to remove the beetle from its surface. At the same time, it is crushed due to its fragility. Contharidin enters the skin and spreads deep into the skin through microcracks. In such places, after a few hours, peculiar abscesses form with purulent secretions and the formation of wounds. Against this background, general reactions of the immune system may occur in the form of fever, general weakness, nausea, headache. If such a toxin enters the intestines in large quantities, it can cause death of a person. Therefore, in ancient times, the poison of the blister beetle was used as a poisonous substance.

What to do with a beetle bite?

A bug bite

Beetle bites are not common. They are accompanied by local changes in the skin and soft tissues in the area of ​​the bite. Toxic reactions are extremely rare. These data suggest that you can deal with such a problem on your own.

The main thing is to know some of the features of the treatment of such bitten wounds. These include:

  1. Washing the bite site with plain water and laundry soap;

  2. Treatment of the wound with antiseptic solutions (peroxide, alcohol, brilliant green, iodine);

  3. Applying cold;

  4. Pressing the bitten place;

  5. Applying a dry bandage;

  6. If suppuration of the wound occurs, it is subject to surgical treatment of the purulent focus. Better to have it done by a specialist. After the removal of purulent-necrotic tissues, daily dressings are performed with washing the wound with hydrogen peroxide and applying ointment dressings;

  7. The need for antihistamines and antibiotics is rare.

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