A broth cube is a lump of salt with additives? – Dietetics – Articles |

Why are stock cubes so popular despite common knowledge about their harmfulness? In my opinion, there are two specific ones grounds. The first is to save time, namely to replace many hours of cooking meat and vegetables – by dissolving a cube in water. The second – price. You don’t even need to convince anyone that it costs several dozen pennies a cube is cheaper than buying all the ingredients for a homemade broth. I guess however, too little is said about what we get in return for these amenities. I am writing only about things that can harm us. Because that such a cube a lot of meat (max. 0,2 percent. dried meat) or vegetables will not have it, I guess everyone expected.


Pepper and salt

Because the line-up begins with the vast majority stock cubes. And here I do not mean comparing with the traditional one broth. I am well aware that this value is simply concentrated and if someone likes salt, they will also season their dishes a lot of it. However, by using cubes regularly, we have no chance get used to salting. We are simply doomed to the ‘manufacturer’s taste’. AND it is really worth reducing the amount of salt in your meals. Regular abuse increases risk of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, stomach and brain cancer and impairs the functioning of the kidneys. The daily consumption of salt, both added in culinary processes and contained in food products, should not exceed 5 g, i.e. 1 level teaspoon. More information on the harmful effects of salt on the body was presented by Karolina Łąkowska.

Don’t be afraid that you will never get used to the salty taste. It all depends on your self-denial. It was examined that after about two weeks after eliminating salt from the daily diet, the dishes used to be richly salted they keep almost the same taste.

Flavor enhancers

Glutamate punishment – there are disturbing reports that he can promote overweight and obesity and lead to allergic reactions and asthma. Hypersensitivity this ingredient manifests itself as a burning sensation in the neck area, nausea, feeling tightness in the chest, sweating, dizziness, pain migraines, allergies, asthma, weakness.

Inozynian disodowy – caution is advised in consuming this supplement. Especially they should avoid it for people with gout and kidney stones. Do not consume inosinate should children.

Guanylan disodowy – in excess it can cause headaches and constipation. Like its predecessor it is not recommended for people with kidney stones, gout, and also allergic to aspirin.

Palm fat

It would seem that palm fat, since vegetable is probably beneficial. Including the case is quite the opposite. As much as 45 percent. it consists of harmful saturated fatty acids, which cause, among others. increase bad cholesterol in the blood. Besides, the refining process deprives it of everyone valuable compounds, such as vitamin E, vitamin A. Palm fat, however, is commonly used by manufacturers thanks to its low price and higher stability temperature. We wrote about its harmful properties a year ago as a curiosity.

Ammonia caramel

It is recommended that avoiding this brown dye. It is obtained by heating sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, dextrose) in the presence of ammonia compounds. It causes hyperactivity, it may be the cause liver and stomach diseases and fertility problems.

Of course, different manufacturers of stock cubes add these additives in different proportions, sometimes boasting a lack of monosodium glutamate or a decrease the amount of salt. Generally, however, the vast majority of them are all myself worth. If there is no glutamate, it is another flavor enhancer like salt is reduced this increases the proportion of glutamate, etc. The above arguments definitely disqualify cubes from the diet of every person who cares about the health of his family. If you do not have time to prepare the broth on a regular basis, thicken it by evaporating some of the water and pour, for example, into ice containers. He’ll be right later. For people who still do not want to give up their dice, we will present their ranking in the near future.

Photo 1 of the text is from: jking89 / Foter / CC BY

Photo 2 of the text comes from: oneVillage Initiative / Foter / CC BY-SA

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