
“Once upon a time in the world… Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl… She met a prince… She married him, and he turned into a frog…” Is this the end?

Not at all. There is a continuation in the book: “So she started the project … To forgive him … To want him again .. And feel adored by him … And now he turned into a prince again … so quickly? .. They found a common language … Opened their souls… And as a result they lived happily ever after (by and large)…”. Such a slightly strange tale is made up of the titles of thirteen chapters of this wonderful guide for married people. Wonderful not only because the fairy tale has a happy ending. Not only because it’s a good start. And not only because it tells a real story and there is also a “special bonus part” (six points, including an interview with journalist and blogger Alice Bowman, from which it becomes clear that the success of her “project” turned out to be a complete surprise for her) . Miraculous — for the combination of all these reasons. And also because the humor with which this is all written acts as an excellent painkiller and life-affirming not only for not very happy married women, but also for people in general.

EKSMO, 416 p.

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