Your blood type says a lot about you. Even whether or not you are at risk of heart disease. How it’s possible? And which of the four blood groups makes you at risk of having a heart attack, for example? We explain!
There are four blood groups in medicine.
Everyone should know their blood group. This is necessary, for example, when we need to undergo a blood transfusion. It is worth noting that the blood group is a constant and unchanging factor throughout a person’s life.
It also turns out that it can affect the risk of various diseases, including heart diseases. How it’s possible?
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Blood group and the risk of heart disease
«Blood group antibodies are found not only on red blood cells but also on the surface of cells in many organs. What is important to us is that they are also on the surface of the cells that make up the wall of the blood vessels. Antibodies are special >> sticky
Make a blood test package “Heart Check”
Experts at CRI Genetics say that all but 0 blood groups increase the risk of heart disease. The geneticist Jam Lim believes that this may be due to the higher concentration of blood clotting factors. These, in turn, increase the risk of thrombosis.
Red blood cells and blood vessels in people with blood types A, B, or AB are more sticky, so blood flows more slowly through them. It would logically follow, as well as from a large number of studies, that the AB group presents the highest cardiovascular risk because the most antibodies are found on the surface of blood cells and cells. Groups A and B would be associated with a lower risk, and group 0 with the lowest risk
– explains Dr. Zablow.
Dr. Leann Poston, a physician and health educator, points out that one study found that people with blood type A or B were 51 percent. more likely to develop blood clots in the veins and by 47 percent. more likely to develop blood clots in the lungs than those with group 0.
“Blood group A increases the risk of heart disease by 6 percent, group B by 15 percent, and group AB by 23 percent.” Adds Dr. Hoang P. Nguyen, a physician specializing in heart disease.
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Further part below the video.
Other factors that increase your risk of heart disease
Of course, blood type isn’t the only factor that increases your risk of heart disease. Dr. Zablow emphasizes that it is influenced by everything that thickens the blood, including medications or diseases. Genetic loads, lifestyle and the use of stimulants are also important.
“All of this may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and blood clots” – noted the specialist. «Increased risk of heart disease is a predisposition. In fact, there is no single direct cause of this type of disease »- emphasizes the expert.
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