A blogger who promoted home birth did not make it to the hospital and lost her baby

A blogger who promoted home birth did not make it to the hospital and lost her baby

A terrible story happened in Siberia. The woman who helped other women to become mothers herself lost one of the twins during childbirth.

A blogger who promoted home birth did not make it to the hospital and lost her baby

Ekaterina N. (name has been changed) is a mother of many children and a fairly popular blogger from Novosibirsk. The woman actively advocated for home birth and even worked as a doula (that is, a person who helps girls during childbirth).

The other day, a terrible thing happened in Catherine’s family. During childbirth, one of her twins died.

The woman did not ignore the hospitals and did not urge her subscribers to completely refuse the help of doctors during childbirth. Rather, she shared her personal experience and warned that the decision to give birth at home is very serious, and the responsibility for anything that can happen lies with the woman in labor.

Communication with a midwife via Skype, pushing at sea, resuscitation of babies with snow: the other side of home birth, which is not customary to talk about

Catherine herself gave birth to two babies at the 39th week of pregnancy. She says that the birth was urgent, and the children were born in just an hour – the woman, they say, simply did not have time to get to the hospital.

True, this version of the development of events confuses the police very much, because just a week before day X, Catherine told her followers that she was actively preparing for the birth of offspring and had already collected a first-aid kit for home birth.

“We were not going to risk our children. All the more who, if not me, know how many complications there are at my age. So, a couple of weeks before giving birth, it turned out that I had high blood pressure, with this, only cesarean is indicated. Neither homeopathy nor the advice of a doctor with GI failed to equalize the pressure. The next day I had to go to the hospital. But at night a rapid birth began, ”Ekaterina explained to reporters.

If the investigation can prove that Ekaterina, knowing about all the potential risks to the health of children, deliberately went to the home birth, then she faces criminal liability.

In general, Ekaterina is a lady with experience. She has been helping women in labor since 2006. Then she already had one child, and then two more were born. The woman gave birth to the eldest child in the maternity hospital, and the next – at home.

“I remember when I was pregnant with my second child, I was worried: all of a sudden what I know and already teach is just words, suddenly I’ll give birth badly myself. But my own childbirth showed that everything works, – said Ekaterina in an interview with “Komsomolskaya Pravda”And added that all her childbirth went without injuries.

Catherine also noted that natural childbirth is not the same as home birth.

“Home births are less formal and more relaxed. But at the same time, there is more responsibility, because it will not be possible to blame the problem on the staff, to say that someone did harm. I myself always accompany only to maternity hospitals, ”the woman says.

Photo: Instagram, vk.com

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