A bitter taste in the mouth in the morning. This could mean your liver is killing you

A bitter taste in the mouth can occur for many reasons, from less serious problems such as poor oral hygiene to more serious causes such as yeast infection or acid reflux. If the disturbing aftertaste persists and eating a meal or brushing your teeth does not help, it’s time to see your doctor.

A strange aftertaste in the mouth – what could it be?

The persistent altered taste in the mouth is medically called dysgeusia. This strange taste is described by patients as unpleasant and may linger for a long time. It all depends on treating its root cause.

People with a taste disturbance may experience a constant feeling that they often describe as one of the following lingering aftertaste:

  1. bitter,
  2. metallic,
  3. resembling rancid or foul-smelling foods
  4. and even salty.

The taste can be distracting and even make it difficult to taste other things while you eat or drink. The aftertaste usually lingers even after you brush your teeth. Other symptoms may also appear depending on the root cause.

Further part below the video.

13 causes of a bitter taste in the mouth

There may be many reasons for this unpleasant ailment. If eating another food or brushing your teeth thoroughly and rinsing your mouth out with the fluid is the way to get rid of the taste, it shouldn’t be alarming. However, if the aftertaste persists for a long time, it’s time to look for its cause and rule out serious diseases. Very often a bitter taste may appear in the morning. The most common causes of a bitter taste in the mouth include:

  1. Poor oral hygiene

This is the most common cause of a bitter taste in the mouth, especially when it occurs when you wake up. A build-up of saliva and bacteria on the tongue, teeth and gums can lead to bad breath and changes in taste. The solution is very simple – take care of oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day – when you wake up and again before going to bed. It is also very important to brush the tongue where bacteria and dead cells accumulate. You can buy a set of cannabis cosmetics for the oral cavity at Medonet Market.

2. Antibiotics or antidepressants

After taking some medications, you may feel bitterness in the mouth or so-called metallic aftertaste. Drugs that cause this effect include:

  1. some antibiotics (e.g. tetracyclines)
  2. medications for gout
  3. bed,
  4. certain medications used to treat heart disease
  5. antidepressant.

The bitter taste usually wears off within a few days of taking a new medicine. However, if it is a constant feeling, notify your doctor, there may be a replacement for your medication that will not cause unpleasant symptoms.

3. Pregnancy

Changing the perception of taste is a very common symptom in many women in the first trimester of pregnancy. It arises as a result hormonal changes and usually goes away on its own within a few days.

Women often describe this phenomenon as if they were drinking from a metal cup. Sucking ice from lemon juice may help.

4. Vitamin supplements

Certain vitamin supplements that contain large amounts of metallic substances, such as zinc, copper, iron or chromium, can cause a metallic and bitter taste in the mouth. This side effect is very common and usually occurs after the supplement is fully absorbed in the body.

5. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease

Reflux occurs when stomach contents flow back into the esophagus during digestion. The stomach acid can run back into your mouth, leaving a bitter taste. Avoid eating foods that are very fatty or hard to digest. It is also important to avoid eating very large portions as they make it difficult to digest food efficiently. Consult a doctor.

6. Liver problems

A bitter taste in the mouth can be an alarm signal from the liver. When it does not work properly, the body accumulates large amounts of ammonia, which is a toxic substance. Under normal conditions, ammonia is converted into urea by the liver and eliminated in the urine. Elevated ammonia levels change the taste.

  1. Also read: This is the best food for your liver. Doctors have no doubts

7. Respiratory tract infections

Bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract (e.g. cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, or tonsillitis) can cause a bitter taste in the mouth. The by-products produced by the bacteria cause this distorted aftertaste.

8. Yeast infections

Oral yeast infection is fairly easy to identify. Usually there are white spots and raids in the mouth and on the tongue. It may be bitter or unpleasant until the infection is treated.

9. Nerve damage

As with the other senses, taste is largely dependent on the functioning of the nervous system. The taste buds are directly connected to the nerves in the brain. Nerve damage can alter the perception of tastes. Symptoms may result, for example, from a head injury or be caused by one of the following diseases:

  1. epilepsy,
  2. multiple sclerosis,
  3. brain tumor
  4. Bell’s palsy,
  5. dementia.

10. Oncological treatment

An unpleasant taste in the mouth when eating or drinking is often also a side effect during chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

11. Eating pine nuts

In some people Eating pine nuts can cause a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth. Interestingly, the reaction may occur three days after consumption.

12. Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning Mouth Syndrome is a condition that causes a burning sensation in the mouth. Many people compare the symptoms to eating hot peppers. In addition to this, some people may also be affected a bitter or rancid taste in the mouth. The severity of symptoms can vary widely.

13. Climacterium

Women going through the menopause may also experience a bitter taste in their mouths. This may be due to lower levels of estrogen in the bodywhich can lead to the burning mouth syndrome described above. It could also be caused by persistent dry mouth. If you suspect you may be menopausal, do a home FSH urine plate test.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were wondering why switching our thinking and acting to slow life is a real challenge? Why is listening to your needs so important? What will it do for us? You will hear about it below.

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