A beauty salon at home? These treatments will effectively deal with corns on the feet!
A beauty salon at home? These treatments will effectively deal with corns on the feet!

They are unsightly, burdensome, hard to get rid of and painful. Corns on the feet are formed in places where the pressure on the ground is the greatest, i.e. on the so-called ‘cushion’ of the foot, on the midfoot, rarely on the heel. Summer and nice weather encourage you to discover your feet, but after winter, uncomfortable footwear, they often have calluses. We don’t have to go to the beauty salon to get rid of them. There are several ways to eliminate them yourself.

Cosmetic essential

You will need: corn remover, pumice stone, foot polisher, nail supplies, foot cream or powder, corn insoles.

  • after washing your feet, apply cream with cocoa butter, cream with vitamin A or lanolin. They will help soften the skin of the feet and the corns themselves. Thanks to them, corns will become less painful and will disappear faster.
  • if we go out somewhere, it is best to stick special plasters available in pharmacies on corns. They have a healing and protective effect
  • we can soak our feet in warm soapy water for about a quarter of an hour. Then wipe away the excess skin that has accumulated on the callus with a pumice stone
  • avoid tight shoes and high heels. Walking in this type of shoes additionally burdens the already existing corns, increasing the discomfort felt while walking
  • garlic compresses – after soaking the feet and drying them thoroughly, we stick a thin slice of garlic on the callus, fixing it with a band-aid. The dressing made in this way should be changed twice a day until the imprint disappears. Garlic can be replaced with an aloe leaf or a slice of onion baked on the fire. With a garlic poultice, you can apply vaseline around the corns so as not to burn the skin
  • gray soap – softened soap can be applied around the callus
  • bread, milk and starch compress – mix 1 tablespoon of milk in a small bowl with 1 tablespoon of starch. Peel a slice of bread and gently soak the bread crumb in the mixture of milk and starch. Then press it to the corns and bandage it. The compress is best applied overnight and removed in the morning
  • slice of lemon peel – from a fresh lemon, you can cut a small piece of peel – preferably the size of an imprint. We put the skin on the imprint with the white inside. The treatment should be repeated several times a day, but it is best to apply the skin and bandage the foot at night. In the morning, the print should be ready to be photographed
  • castor oil – helps to eliminate corns faster. Lubricate the corn with oil twice a day until the corn is completely dry
  • tea bag – it is mild but effective. We need a brewed tea bag, previously cooled and drained. We put the bag on the print for about 20-30 minutes every day. If used regularly, the callus will be removed after two weeks

Attention!!!Do not cut corns with scissors or any other sharp instrument.If pain, burning, redness or other disturbing skin reactions occur during the described cosmetic procedures, consult a doctor.

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