
You may have noticed that of all cultural heroes, we are most attached to comic fools. This is clearly because they live in all of us.

Worthless Ivan the Fool, inefficient Emelya make our mistakes and harbor groundless hopes for luck. Unheroic and unremarkable, they are ordinary vulnerable people. The love of a fool in culture is the triumph of mediocrity, the triumph of a man from the crowd over the heroes-titans. The beginning of the trend was laid by the half-wits Rabelais and the absurd knight of Cervantes, but it has flourished in full bloom right now, replicated by large and small screens. Stupid simpletons in movies and on TV are the most popular characters. They do not cause envy, which is important for the success of the public, exhausted by the race for success. And at the same time they have peculiar talents and perform certain sanitary and psychological functions.

So here are some famous fools and their lofty missions.

Keith Ramsey The character in Frank Oz’s comedy «Bowfinger» (Eddie Murphy), a star actor who is cast by an enterprising film buff in his film without his knowledge. Mission: to expose the complacency of those who consider themselves the crown of the universe.
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