A baby’s milk tooth fell out: what to do, where to put the first tooth

A baby’s milk tooth fell out: what to do, where to put the first tooth

When a baby’s milk tooth falls out for the first time, it marks the beginning of a new period in his life. Therefore, parents need to know all the features of the loss of deciduous teeth and their replacement by molars.

When a child’s milk teeth begin to fall out

The timing of loss depends on the characteristics of the development of the jaw apparatus and the rudiments of teeth in the womb, the degree of their health and the period of their eruption.

Milk teeth begin to fall out from about 6 years of age

According to statistics, teeth begin to fall out at the age of 5-6 years. If the parents remembered in what sequence the dental units germinated, then they can roughly guess how they will fall out. As a rule, first the lower incisors loosen and fall out, after a short time the upper ones.

Canines begin to fall out from 9 years old, premolars – from 10, molars – from 11. Just by this time, 12-13 years old, a full-fledged bite begins to form in adolescents.

What to do if a child’s teeth begin to fall out

Loss of teeth is practically not accompanied by painful sensations, so there is no cause for concern. Prolapse is a natural process that every person goes through. But parents need to warn preschoolers about this in time so that they are not afraid, and take note of the following tips:

  • Do not give your baby pain relievers, this is not necessary.
  • Explain to preschoolers that you shouldn’t stick your fingers in your mouth every time and check for a loose tooth. So you can get an infection.
  • When blood appears, press a cotton swab to the hole and hold for several minutes. Then rinse your mouth with water and baking soda or salt.

If the baby accidentally swallowed a tooth, there is no need to panic. Most likely, it will pass from the body along with processed food.

Lost teeth are most often thrown away or buried in the ground. In many nations, there are beliefs that you cannot allow someone to find a baby’s lost tooth. For this reason, he was often buried deep in the ground so that evil people and sorcerers could not harm the baby.

Sometimes the tooth is kept as a talisman that brings happiness and prosperity to the little person. But no one should guess about the location of the amulet.

Some parents keep their first dropped tooth in a small box along with a baby’s curl, a tag from the hospital, footprints and other little things.

It is desirable that the loss of teeth is associated with something pleasant and joyful. To do this, you can talk about the Tooth Fairy, which takes away the lost teeth and leaves a small gift instead. The kid should leave the tooth under the pillow, and in the morning he will find a surprise from the Fairy in the same place. A candy, some kind of fruit, a coin or a small toy is suitable as a gift.

You can tell your kid about a mouse that collects missing teeth. The fallen tooth must be put in a dark secluded place and wait until the mouse picks it up. After that, a new tooth should soon grow.

The kid should know that permanent teeth will stay with him for life. Therefore, the main task of the parents is to teach him how to take proper care of his teeth.

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